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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. I think we should keep this L4G community exclusive. I haven't even given the IP to my little brother.
  2. crop the map
  3. I'd rather have nondestructible envirement than punching holes in prescripted spots of the house. Tried the beta, seemed alright to me (loving the gun sounds). Prodably not buying it though, I'd prodably get bored to it in a week or two.
  4. Okay, maybe "should" is a wrong word for that, since they get lots of money from this. "I'd like" would fit better.
  5. Also nugget,
  6. Lol silly people without credit cards/spare cash. I think this shop thing is cool, they should just rethink the prizes a bit.
  7. Rather hard not to stick to one spot when Saxton kills you with 1-2 hits from his 10 meter long fist.
  8. Robots don't have genders.
  9. EmRA. not EmRa, Emra, EmrA or emra.
  10. Am I the only one who likes Disney movies? UP Wall-E Hangover Back to the Future Note the BttF, I haven't seen it yet so that one would be especially nice.
  11. Hate somewhere else please. Also:
  12. The only flaw in this update is that the items are ridiculously overpriced. Other than that, I love it.
  13. hohoh a funy typo Nugget, why does it look retarded? It's hard to improve if you don't know what to improve on.
  14. Could have used some special effects, and the gun sounds could have been more pleasant to the ear. Otherwise nice, especially liked the door knocking down.
  15. Holy christ on a stick. That is awesome. Might be awesome to generate a floating islands map for the server once. That is prodably just matter of time, since Indev had Sky Islands as one option when starting a new map.
  16. Holy flying fuck: http://skylands.goonygoon.com/pix.html
  17. You guys ever thought that Carl Bark's story Lost in the Andes is actually about minecraft? Whats with artists predicting stuff?
  18. And we already got subforum for that.
  19. Yeah what does the emblem stand for
  20. Why is water and the sky the same color? Looks unpleasant to eye imo.
  21. Didn't Fifth element have that kind of stuff too?
  22. What's wrong with it? apart from the purple borders
  23. Can I see this proof?
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