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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. What has changed since the last version? I see nothing new in the screenshots.
  2. MOAR Me and Chikennugget1 were drawing.
  3. Copying from facepunch isn't getting idea. We rarely get anything artistic here, so imo everything getting it's own thread is fine to me. ...Wait, do pimp my gun creations count? Or should I make seperate thread for those?
  4. MTA.. Slums of L4G.. Even when they started this community. Such a sad story
  5. From outside looks it seems rather boring. But I guess the folks at zs will like it gameplaywise.
  6. Sorry for giving feedback.
  7. Looks like a pig. With a human body. ... Drawing itself is bad, but I like the coloring.
  8. No. Thats me. If there is a guy in my drawings with light curly hair it's me. Boter is the guy with the gas mask.
  9. I hate you.
  10. I drew my team.
  11. 1. Botervloot - Remember to bring the car! 2. Ramirez - His health regenerates and listens to orders. 3. Jesus - No need to explain this. 4. Donald Duck - Dangerous when pissed off. 5. Young Scrooge McDuck - Even more dangerous when pissed off.
  12. Yea, -32 on open areas because the wind. Does the thermometer say -32 degrees, or does it feel like -32 because of the wind-chill effect? We are the though winter guys, not you. Go back to your oil rig.
  13. that traitor deserves it.
  14. What about some mad max? Those movies always got those neat junk buildings and stuff.
  15. -32? Thats even colder that down here. Or I don't know, haven't been outside for a week. Good pictures, actually made me want to go skiing for a sec.
  16. I can barely see the model in that screenshot. ..Unless that granpa is a flashlight. Also, add dedicated servers to your models so people will like them Just scroll up to see the renders instead Renders are not ingames. I want ingames.
  17. I can barely see the model in that screenshot. ..Unless that granpa is a flashlight. Also, add dedicated servers to your models so people will like them
  18. I think I still got the blue version somewhere. I don't think we got all the pokemons, but the rarest ones for sure.
  19. Here you go.
  20. times ten
  21. my birds have extensive training in ducktural arts Boter and I are old allies. The jeep with base made out of tf2 rocks shall rise again! My true plans are yet to be revealed...
  22. Ape escape of course! Everyone is brutally abusing the helpless duck, so I decided to cheer him up and giving the poor guy something to eat. In fact, I gave foor for each and every one of them!
  23. EmRA

    Your signature needs more "EmRA" in it.

  24. EmRA

    Ban Request

    Isn't calling him a fag also pretty rude, even when he started it?
  25. This video made me accepect the fact that pyro is female.
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