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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. You remember that Soldiers vs. Knights idea I posted while ago? What about that, but with NPCs as Knights instead of players? I'll be sure to report to you if I come up with something. Good luck man, good luck.
  2. This was way too epic to be posted in the warm up topic. Fun facts: -I actually would have had this finished earlier, but accidentally forgot to save when closing the program to get custom fonts. -Notice that Kellog's is it's publisher because gabe wanted free samples of fitness cerals. -It's not coming for the consoles. -That's right, they didn't relase any free DLC for the first one. -First game in the series can be seen here. -Unlike the first game in the series, this one does not include 33,306 annoying people. -Nothing to say anymore. -Oh yeah, if this would be gmod competition, you guys would be so dead. Feedback and so on thank you.
  3. I take it you mean scenes? EXDEE But yeah mw2 is fucking epic :U The explosion is ingame. As for the muzzle flash, I lack of the ninja training those darn facepunchers have.
  4. FRIENLY CONTENT PACKAGE INCOMING Cooking Hand to hand combat Worst action movie scene Feedback thank you. Also, you guys post some warmup pics too so I wont rape you all in the actual one
  5. Green Christmas, as long as sexposes and that stuff are not allowed.
  6. More it is. Serious shit (nothing to do with humor, ONLY SERIOUS FUCKING BUSSINESS) Gun combat Hand-to-hand combat Melee combat Execution Big guns Bet Wussy Riot Hippies Pets Group picture (is it group picture of TF141, Black mesa, or RED team? or something else?) Dangerous adventure (you know, the stuff in child's movies: serious bussiness, but no gunfights. Just serious adventure in exotic places) Game screenshot (recreate some game in gmod)
  7. Modern Warfare 2. MM mm.
  8. EMRA FOUND TOPIC THAT NEEDS IDEAS, GET TO COVEER Green Earth, this thing right here Meet the GRN, this thing right here Other Mr.Green related thing After the infection (something about after the events of l4d and l4d2) After the war (same as above but with tf2) Youtube Poop (GEE IT SURE IS BORING AROUND HERE) Happy times! (pose something with nothing negative on it, just people having fun) Bad times! (EVERYTHING IS FUCKED BAAAH) Cooking MEME SHIT YAY Gentlemen Showoff Your country's military (if there are no ragdolls about your county's military, you can use some other soldiers as well) Your military (too good to have just one country's military protecting you? you need your own army!) Garry's mod (there aren't many poses about playing garry's mod itself, we should make some) A new game (yes, make a cover/screenshot about game that should come/be here) That round kicked ass.. (we all had these moments when we absolutely kick ass, but we forgot to take screenshots, recreate the moment!) Historical stuff (is it vietnam, ww1/2, iraq, 9/11, and so on) Comic books (recreate a moment from some TRADITIONAL comic book, so no webcomic shit) Hobbies (I draw, ywa goes to gay bars, hundred is salami expert, botervloot is master of late, what are you?) First person (pose something in first person) Badass (not everyone is, but the guy in your pose should be.) New invention (tf2 pose that has new invention from one of the teams) Okay I think thats enough. FOR NOW. Chirstmas one aye? Lemme think. Making a snowman Giving presents Enjoying time with friends and family Eating Drunk at new year's eve Hangover after it Enough?
  9. EmRA

    Hi & Bye

    You typod my name, also I'm cool AND creative. But yeah bye. EDIT: Well atleast you mentioned me.
  10. Multiplayer fucking kicks ass. Almost as much as our pepperoni and salami fun. Ontopic, anyone tried 3rd person matches? Personally, I prefer them over normal rounds as I kick major ass most of the time there. Favorite map so far is that desert one with the crashed plane, few bunkers and the cave in the middle.
  11. Put some pictures and I'll check it out.
  12. EmRA


    Fuck bathrooms, shit on them from the roof.
  13. You guys chose E: Fortify here. You have few guns, and you get more from invaders. And you got plasma tvs. Quick barricade you made up, it isn't the best one out there, but it'll hold better than nothing. New phone, cool! You also put the radio on if someone feels like offering a rescue. THEN SUDDENLY, KABLEWN! Something hits the roof, knocking you down. It didn't hit hard enough to break the roof tho. You run to check if the plasme tvs are okay, and they are, amen. It's time to choose.. A: Go check out what hit the roof. B: Nah, it could have just been a big cat. Keep making your barricade better. C: Keep tinkering with the radio. (bigger chanse of finding someone) D: Oh man, this is getting way too scary. Grab everything you can and head to the SIS outpost. Bonus pic!
  14. What they did was wrong, and they should get away with it so easily. And even copyed mod to their game without giving the original maker any credit of his work, thats just wrong. Thats what I asked: What did they do? What more did they do than steal a mod? What exactly did they steal? I just don't understand boycotters.
  15. What is/was the boycotting about? The game is fine. Singleplayer was pure epic. Many parts, many parts, and so on. Multiplayer is not as cool at SP, but still it's gr8. Nobana, shame on you. You should get a ban, from every gaming community on earth. Oh and, anyone noticed sex/barbara doll under the stairs when you are in makarov's house (with the file downloading etc.)?
  16. On other thought, fuck piratebay, I'll just keep on trying to find a shop that doesnt remember to ask for them papers. :U Downloading takes too long.
  17. EmRA

    Meet the GRN

    Asking me doesn't mean I do it. Besides, I don't have any save file of that, like I dont have from any other pose I've done. I just said that if you aren't in that, feel free to ask me nicely if I could maybe include you in my future pictures I make (if I make) with those guys. EDIT: But with annoying attitude like that, I promise you your chanses have lowered 50%!
  18. Oh cool. I went to the local shopping mall, Sello to keep company for a friend while he was buying some clothes. Then, I noticed how many gameshops were hyping that MW2 being relased and all, and I thought "why not?" So I go to see how much it costs. 55€, which is 5€ too much. So, after checking more, I finally find one thats 50€ at GameStop. So I'm all like "FUCK YEAH" and go to the shopkeeper guy to buy it, and when I'm there, he asks me for papers. WELL OF COURSE THE FUCKING GAME IS 18+, SILLY ME. Thanks for ruining my day agelimits, and thanks piratebay for saving it. No monies for you IW.
  19. Multiplayer sounds like meh, you just lost one customer IW. Now to piratebay..
  20. EmRA

    Meet the GRN

    ask nicely and I'll think about it :U
  21. EmRA

    Meet the GRN

    I didn't forger him, he just wasn't on. In fact, haven't you been away quite a while boter?
  22. EmRA

    New CSS server

    It's always worth the try. But otherwise keep it like it is now.
  23. EmRA

    New CSS server

    No for me. There are plenty normal map servers, no need for more. But surf and fun at the same time sounds like a try.
  24. EmRA

    Meet the GRN

    And drunk. Too much crit liquid from those stickies.
  25. Just kidding lol. Well no, I'm not. Meet the GRN, as in Gravel Rocketing National. Wait, thats us. Green. Who is who you ask? Too tired to do cool simple list, so you can just have the one I used to remember who wanted what from the time I asked everyone what gear they wanted in the pic: Silver Dot: Red Spy Bill's hat B.Wl | Ni pah~: red please, sniper with white hat ( if you have) and arc ClavusElite: sniper with jarate headband, red Sneed: okay scout with a razorback hat, red Ywa: blu, spy, halo Mayco: Red, heavy, Gibus + sandvich ERROR 401: scout, red, ushanka Chainsawman: medic, blu, beer or two Chickennugget: steampic, as in soldier w 2 nades, red Hundred2: I think heavy + Ushanka is best to recognise me. BLU EmRA: Scout, BLU, jarateband and bbcap Axon: Take a guess, genious. NOTICE! If you weren't in the picture, don't whine. Ask me politely if I can include you in the future pictures I make with these guys, AS LONG AS YOU ARE ACTIVE ON THE FORUMS. EDIT: Now we just need someone to skin and hex us team that actually is GREEN.
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