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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Griffon

  1. -snip-

    Watch the 'ZS Suggestions' topic


    By the way here is a current kills/rewards thingy for each class:


    New m3 shotty for support instead of hl2smg (or give a sniper rifle to support )

    and give hl2smg to engineer

    Commando get the xm1014 instead of saw

    Zerk get hl2 shotty instead of saw

    Also any chance of making the planks a tad longer for barricade? Its kinda hard on some of the wider doorways to

  2. I think that ethereals shoul lose speed after hit, so they cant be behind humans storming their back. Humans will have chance to look behind and shoot the ethereal. Maybe the human, which was damaged from behind will get a special screen effect?

    Also I support the idea about slowering down the hit speed a bit.

    hows this no scream for etheal

    can move while attacking

    but if hit from behind the user gets the scream effect

  3. You mean the etheral.

    I dont mind the etheral that much, i do think its bullshit that it can move / aim while attacking ( I dunno about the Move part tho :V )


    there invisible and can atack while moving, make them visible after attack or make them not able to move while attacking

  4. i think they switched to a *svn* database thats why some stats got lost, if they have the old database it should be a matter of looking at the old database and correcting the new one.

    I may be wrong but tthis has happend to some other ppl to i think

    edit my bad on incorect info

  5. I shall give the explanation of the friend system: you get a screen at start where you select your squadmates. Once you start playing and stay close to them you get advantages, but getting close to another squad gives you disadvantages. Max players in a squad is 4. I think that sums it up :D. This system encourages teamwork, but discourages humans to camp in one big group. This gives zombies more chances and humans a challenge. :)

    make it 5 of each class

    the problem is this may discorage groupds to work together to actually survive as a whole

    +what if there are more than 5 of you in group?

  6. Uploaded some changes on SVN (however they are not on the server yet):

    • Increased knockback effect for M3 Shotgun
    • Slightly increased recharging time and recoil for Pulse Rifle
    • Slightly increased health and damage for Headcrab
    • Increased cooldown (4 seconds) between spits for poison headcrab
    • Health gain for berserker now depends on how much damage was done
    • Fixed 'Natural Immunity' upgrade
    • Added few changes for the commando's perk (that allows you to see zombie's health)

    That's all for now :monocle:

    nice i like this!

    The hp of others is hard to see as medic specially close up healing (always bugged me)

    any chance of making it so that as medic you can see there hp on the hud (or something similar?

  7. are they not pointless already?

    exactly so you should globally buff mele by 10-15% then give a buff to zerk after that

    so that mele is decent,

    say 6-8 hits with crowbar, down to 2-4 as lvl6 zerk with cbar

    focus on the global first then class speciffic

    other classes need a mele when there in tight spots too!

  8. After testing with Necro I made some new stats that should be easier for him to add and more balanced

    Level 0

    20 percent increased melee damage

    5 percent increased speed

    8 percent as health of damage inflicted

    Level 1

    30 percent increased melee damage

    10 percent increased speed

    15 percent as health of damage inflicted

    Level 2

    40 percent increased melee damage

    13 percent increased speed

    20 percent as health of damage inflicted

    No Screen Shake

    Level 3

    Gain Axe

    50 percent increased melee damage

    16 percent increased speed

    25 percent as health of damage inflicted

    No Screen Shake

    Level 4

    Gain Axe

    60 percent increased melee damage

    20 percent increased speed

    30 percent as health of damage inflicted

    No Screen Shake

    Level 5

    Gain Axe

    70 percent increased melee damage

    23 percent increased speed

    35 percent as health of damage inflicted

    No Screen Shake

    Level 6

    Gain Axe

    80 percent increased melee damage

    25 percent increased speed

    45 percent as health of damage inflicted

    No Screen Shake

    That makes mele for other classes pointless though

    (in addition to pufs ideas)

    increse mele base dmg by 10%

    decrese zerk class dmg by 10%

  9. Any chance of getting the scout sniper and the auto one ?

    simply only have a decreased base zoom value so it like 1.4 x zoom to make

    scout sniper should be like 25 and the auto should be like 45

    Ah, I remember the scout sniper, you had a chance to spawn with one, if I remember good. Always no. 1 in score list lol, OP.

    yes but most maps nowdays dont have good long range shots unless you have a good team

    just make it so you cant spawn with one

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