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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Griffon

  1. Okay fasties are getting fixed what else is wrong at the moment?

    Leveling of some clases need scaling

    Some minor bug fixes

    Some new weapons

    new perk stuff... (wow is that all?)

    Any chance of getting the weapon tree`s for each class put on the ingame menu?

    p.s cant wait for anabel

  2. Am i the only one against zombie leveling?

    if you have zombie levels that means a human lvl 6 must = zombie lvl6

    what happens when you get a lvl 0 human agains lvl 6 zombie or vice versa ?

    Try balancing that shit!

    Weve had human levels for what like 2 years? and there still not balanced

    zombie levels in theory are a nice idea but they are knowere near practical

  3. Commando doesnt need bigger clips but reduced recoil per lvl this is the logical choice as it helps with assault rifles to get kills and it helps for the headshot`s require to lvl up

    i do like the ability to see zombie health though

    and why is it that the sniper rifle for support and the ammo boxes keep getting sugguested as perks? xD

    The sniper should be a 2 hit kill on a regular zombie(not the starting zombie),1 hit kill to head , and low ammo so you cant just camp and get kills all day long.

    Is there anychance we can get a different model for starting zombies seing as they have increased health compared to the standard ones?

  4. Give support a gravity gun that can lift moveable props,

    the heavier it is the slower he moves + zombies can knock the prop out of his hand and deal damage

    This will help for support cading

    Of course we would have to keep an eye on prop boosting but it could work.

    I think it should require a certain level. Like for gravi gun it would be 3rd lvl imo.

    Gravity gun isn't a SWEP. Not acceptable...

    EDIT: Unless you want to see people throwing couches and stuff at each other, I suggest you reconsider your idea, Mr Griffon...

    I never meant an actual gravity gun but i used it as a refrence so you would get what i meant

    something that is able to pick up props to allow movement of props. Ive seen servers where they have a gravity gun without the punt ability

  5. Give support a gravity gun that can lift moveable props,

    the heavier it is the slower he moves + zombies can knock the prop out of his hand and deal damage

    This will help for support cading

    Of course we would have to keep an eye on prop boosting but it could work.

  6. 90 is large amount of kills considering by the time you get those kills 4 ppl have already redeemed with comeback and have xm1014`s

    please reconsider the amount of kills

    in an average game nobody gets more than 80ish kills so

    katana is zerks ultra weapon and they get that at 75

    lower shotguns to 75

  7. I slightly disagree with pufu

    1) the scalling does need a bit of work but the 50% dmg boost is rediculous. Try 35% maybe

    2)2 points is 2 points. us ranged chars get 1 poin (right?) why should you get 3x as much? 2x i can understand.

    3) you are beserker not a tank, you should play smart and attack weaker zombies and get your teamates to help you kill the strong ones.(l4d comparison yes ill just go mele a charger on my own)

    4)Thats kind of the point we dont want zerks that can just run around all day instakilling zombies like before. But in teams you should be able to defend a barricaded position with a zerk+medic+commado almost indefinatly

  8. Nice picture Holy

    Makes your point

    ... creepier

    That's what I wanted to do. ;)

    A gravity gun for engy which shoots and creates an small gravity well in a small area making it hard to get past mabeh?

    make it have stupid low ammo or vent campp would be imba

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