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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Griffon

  1. Kermites weapons are bad seriously and lazily put together

    headcrab ideas:

    1) fix the crouch bug for headcrabs (they should be allways crouched).

    2) make the hitboxes for poison headcrabs bigger cuz ive hit one with a magnum 3 times point blank and they didnt reg.

    3)cooldown between shots longer

    4)make them move slower than normall headcrabs

    5)make the leap of headcrabs/fasties to do more damage the further the leap

  2. The leveling is a bit flawed as you dont want to hunt 1 class all the time

    my sugguestion


    comando: x kills,x headshots

    bserker: x dmg,X health regen

    support: x assists , x props nailed

    medic: x heal,x health vials (possibly implement a random vial spawn)

    engineer: maybe give a shield that tanks ranged damage(poison/howlers) that needs energy cells or he could use those cells to power a turret for say ((X energy cells x 30secs)maybe same spawn system as health vials)

    x energy used,x mine dmg,

    if he has a shield he wont take as much mine dmg

    but enineer takes x% more mele dmg compared to other classes

    EDIT: if you have mysterious stranger perk make it so magnum isnt replaced by glock.

    Agreed at doubledges 1gc for x teamate heal

  3. the most interesting f2play seen ive seen so far and ive played

    combat arms ,soldierfront,gunz,AVA,wolfie team,blackshot,crossfire (and more)

    and this (looks)> all others

    i loved battlefield on the ps2

    + this

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