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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. I would definatley get if it wasnt for the fact my 8600 GX is bellow par (damn i need an upgrade)
  2. playtest it first brah, specially if youre changing so many values... p.s wii get round to reinstalling hl and css to play....
  3. The only cure for zombification is DEATH! (any chance zps boat map can be added? Thats a great map)
  4. ohh well, if theres THAT much theres not much you can do about it >_>, looks like i will have to get a 30" monitor to have no scrollbars .
  5. As the scroll bar is more or less already at the end why not make the weapon icons a tad smaller in the menu and then have them all fit onto one screen? Thats would decrease wasted space and remove the eed for a scroll bar (unless you plan on adding more primaries )
  6. From my experience putting a scroll bar in a in-game menu is a bad idea, other than that the shop looks nice. If your looking for limited uses how about stuff like grenades,extra armour,night vision,a usable medpack or revive kit, adrenaline(increase speed/reduce damage taken), increased mag, increased max amo and stuff like that.
  7. Tetris
  8. Griffon


    More and more hints are starting to popup for me to upgrade my 8600gt, maybe i will get lucky and be able to run this+skyrim. I cant turn my back on old faithfull
  9. M29 is the huge as revolver of kermites right?I love that thing, any chance in you putting a scope on it? xD
  10. Woot got my 4gb just this morning, its soo much better than 1gb it evel loaded steam and xfire on startup with mimimal freeze xD

  11. We are getting a new hud right? The Gun Run hud really does not suit it. Other than that it looks TASTY!
  12. Griffon


    That must have been a fast 10minutes.
  13. More hats -> more Gc -> (possibly) more donations sounds like a plan.
  14. Depends if your looking on how to build a champion item/skill wise try using http://www.mobafire.com/ champion guides.It really helps untill you learn what items do what and better for who e.t.c but to the very basics prefixes to learn : SS(or MIA):Champion is missing from their lane (you should say this if you dont know where the enemy is) CC: Cround control (stuns,knockups etc) AD: Attack Damage (you basic attack damage) AP: Ability power (your spells damage) AS: Attack speed (basic attack speed) Crit(Critical damage): your % chance to deal (up to)100% of your AD Mres/Magic Resistances: The anti AP (Reduces the effect of enemy AP) Armour:The anti AD (Reduces the effect of enemy Ad) other stuff: In the ability description Numbers with the colour (white) = base damage (Green) = AP (orange)= AD Casters champions need Ap to do damage, mana to cast spells (and maybe spellvamp to stay alive). physical champions need Ad to do damage,crit to do extra damage,AS (and maybe lifesteal to stay alive). Tanks need a mix of Mres and Armour to not die allowing them to get into the fight and be a threat and deal CC and gradual damage. i.e As a tank if enemy has alot of AP you should get some magic res if enemy has Ad you get armour But yeah use http://www.mobafire.com/ if your stuck on how to play a champion. hope that helps.
  15. Nope ive played Hon too good game and some great champion design, prefere the visual style of lol (and the fact lol has allways been f2p)
  16. I wonder if we could get a 5v5 mr green match going eventually, that would be prety cool.
  17. I must admit this game is already disapointing, lack of 32 bit support and no ingame browsers. If this game is getting ported to consoles how the fuck can they not make a 32bit system? Even at 32bit the pc has more power than a console even if you had to remove 40% of the graphics options. Infact its not even smart on their part 50% of os share (that is windows) still runs xp, thats a hella alot of customers even if the percentage of xp gamers is low..... as nice as the game looks on its high and mighty 64 bit system im gona lol everytime you have to relaunch the game to change server. Game had so much potential, but as allways consoles ruin the pc(masterace)experience.
  18. Having your memmory corrupt itself and only leaving you with 1g of ram preventing me from playing 95% of my games(and even then i have to put the graphics to shit quality) is a reall downer. Oh well on the bright side i get to finally put 4gb into this thing

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Griffon


      yeah i got a nice 4g for £40 with delivery, should be here in a day or two.

    3. Darkstar


      Griffon, you can get 8GB DDR3 for £48 :P

    4. Griffon


      My Motherboard is kindof old, not sure if it can run DDR3, so it was £40.00 for something i know that works or £48 for something that may not work :P

  19. I do play the game but im currently on nordic due to swedish freinds, my alt on eu iff im on is Griffly
  20. I still want a l85 but they aint gonna add it >_< Is the weapon at 1:04 a galil i cant tell what it is?
  21. I will probably be a norn ranger or guardian depending
  22. Smurfs.
  23. Stuff here to be in with the hipster kids

  24. Build is boring and easily greifed.... Besides l4g generally only uses more unique game modes, hence clavus`s new project.
  25. I hope they dont console-ize it that would be terrible same applies to STALKER their tough but rewarding gameplay is what sets them apart from standard shooters. Well that and their awesome story and atmosphere.
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