Zs_subversive_part3 , why? 1) Map looks good maybe but it's UN-BA-LAN-CED , and particularly for zombies: The map is basically a big corridor with some rooms on the side and that's all,and it's very hard for zombies to attack because humans are always camping on the other side and cading the way which leads to the pool,or if they don't camp here,they camp in other rooms. (the one with a railing floor for example,or the other near a bridge,with a mini bridge on the roof where humans can camp by using a prop to go there...) 2)Don't you think there are too much subversive maps? (and globally,too much Stelk's map) 3)The changing light,very annoying cause you can't see anything in the rooms unless using your lamp,but even with that it's too dark.