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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. By the way,you seems different from your old pic (on your presentation). That's good,you,you can change! I have basically same hairstyle and head for always XD
  2. The girl at the center
  3. Ywarean forces incoming!
  4. Error>I'm keeping another,more epic,and will make something with it
  5. Well i think every flash game out there has that buttons to move I'm not really used to play on english flash games, french ones of course, we haven't same keyboard placements,so the controls are adapted
  6. I think it's quite a good idea ,sounds nice "on paper",but how will you make wall destructables?You say when the bomb blows it makes some hole into the wall, but is it with a script or...? But generally, yeah, why not, it changes of arena/ct/cp
  7. I found a good video to illustrate this war: When I will get my computer back,I will prepare to you something ;P
  8. Guys,why do we always talk about boobies when some girl is speaking here or applying,or playing XD Machos!
  9. Wut,can't play your games cause I don't have qwerty keyboard,it's ZQSD for me,not WASD D: so impossible to move :s
  10. Clavus,I have a good weapon against dinosaurs:An artificial volcano ;P
  11. I give you rail guns for your army
  12. I can build mechs gonna save allies >
  13. I have HAVOC nukes ready to fire for emergency situation
  14. Hax!We can't use nukes >:OOO Even for suicide! :noel:
  15. [FR MODE] je t'imaginais pas comme
  16. United Nuggets of Nublica sent the first Orbital Drop Shock Troopers squad into Maycorean territory. The following ODSTs will come after,supporting by Scorpions tanks.
  17. I added my photo :noel:
  18. Welcome Jorddd Mmmm,nice,fresh blood on the server ;...;
  19. UNN can't act until they get Predator nuke,and they are developing a super military power!
  20. Sorry but that will be without me until I get my sexy pc back And Australia is already taken.
  21. I agree for scope thing,the current one is ugly^^Also,it hides the chat and the killicons,you can't always see if you get the kill D:
  22. I don't understand that Yoyo mama thing,anyway I don't participate cause no pc.
  23. Yes :noel:
  24. We talked about some admin things then Emra had suddenly some light on top of his head "why not a conflict between admins?" and you got china because....because dunno XD But that's a secret > he is making other part of our rofl project of world domination ;...;
  25. We made that map idea with Emra^^ Awesome
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