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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Sacrifical,look what is a omgroflpwningpcwithlazors powerful gaming pc http://forums.left4green.com/index.php?sho...c=362&st=80 (scroll a bit down)
  2. Satanic dudes like eating human ballz and scarify it with needles wearing black t-shirts and needles!
  3. i think you mean PM, not MP, haha Yeah,PM XD,just used to say MP (french...^^)
  4. Well,it's time now to talk a bit.I will leave tomorrow for 3 weeks (vacations) and I don't think I will get the occasion to come here often. So,I would first thank everyone for your support,I like your messages and your vision of me,that makes me really pleasure I don't know if in 3 weeks I will get an answer, because it seems long (and yeah,I won't hide it but I'm impatient to know the results^^),only time will say it to me. I had many problems the last weeks with my pc,as you could see, so I didn't play ZS but as soon as I come back,I will play again. In my app I said I was here at precise hours, but now it's vacations,I'm here a long time (playing or surfing the forum),well that's just a correction^^ To Topcrew > I'm sure you're studying all those apps with attention,if you want to contact me while I'm in vacations, just send me a PM ,I will maybe have the surprise when I'll come back
  5. Nah you won't touch zombie Robo,I'll morph into Zombie-Cake and eat your cow ballz
  6. Mmm maybe I can use a spray+stick and it BUUUURNZ
  7. I'm watching Secret Story (reality show) on TV .
  8. Damn,when my hairs are long it's like on my photo^^
  9. follow me Error,we must escape the black metal,IT'S HELL!!!!
  10. All stolen cyborg t-rexes are actually double agents. Your argument is invalid, and your army is probably eaten. Then I can call my forever friends The covenants
  11. Oh noes,that means the war is over? NEVAH!!!!I will rise an uber army of stolen cyborg t-rex and ODSTs and dominate the world !! muahahaha!!!......with my allies of course
  12. Sorry for doubleposting,but I have to up that topic and finally post the video I promised to you,yeah it's omg omg lolzorrofl,and you will see that ODSTs are fighting against Ywarean,Maycorean and Clavonian troops! Suffer silently :
  13. Hax,americans have more chances for surviving a zombie invasion cause they can get weapons the only thing I can use is a plastic pistol with plastic bullets XD
  14. Out of topic;another quizz,how many countries you can find in 5 minutes : http://www.oneplusyou.com/bb/view2/countries I found 40
  15. Around 30-32%(lazy to register to have the results... ) I'm not a en expert but I know using weapons I used one once to double kill baloons in a...(how do you say "f
  16. Yeah,this contest was hard,if you wanted to get a good idea. I think,contests must be the easiest possible, easy and more comprehensive. Easy=more challengers,comprehensive=more original things.(but honestly,did you really get the point of this theme? )
  17. Mmm,apparently the contests haven't success now :s
  18. Yeah,Sneed is cool as it is actually,valdebo
  19. Nah don't say that,it makes debate,it's cool debating here
  20. I have an idea,it's "economic",it doesn't takes so much place on the hud and it can be useful,why not an icon for autoredeem on/off? It's just some icon near the lifebar (or anywhere else,depends of Clavus opinion of course^^) when you type !autoredeem you have some "nike" icon with it,and when it's desactivated it's a red cross,I made a pic to make it more clear:
  21. It's cool he does that,he can change the server
  22. Yes but you can see that just by seing if the box is filled or not ,but what would be better is a non-toggle F4 menu,you need to press f4 to see the options and if you let it then it disappears.
  23. Huh? You can check if it's enabled or disabled by pressing F4
  24. Nugeed or Snugbeard :noel:
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