Well,it's time now to talk a bit.I will leave tomorrow for 3 weeks (vacations) and I don't think I will get the occasion to come here often. So,I would first thank everyone for your support,I like your messages and your vision of me,that makes me really pleasure I don't know if in 3 weeks I will get an answer, because it seems long (and yeah,I won't hide it but I'm impatient to know the results^^),only time will say it to me. I had many problems the last weeks with my pc,as you could see, so I didn't play ZS but as soon as I come back,I will play again. In my app I said I was here at precise hours, but now it's vacations,I'm here a long time (playing or surfing the forum),well that's just a correction^^ To Topcrew > I'm sure you're studying all those apps with attention,if you want to contact me while I'm in vacations, just send me a PM ,I will maybe have the surprise when I'll come back