rofl,powerful than crysis 1,that's weird,a lot of people still can't play crysis because it's heavy and it needs a lot of resources,so a crysis 2... Oo
I'm probably a sandvich. Nah,I think....mmm....spy?Cause I like infiltrating,but I also have some heavy's side because I like taking a good weapon and explode every living(or not) things around meh
(I had to use imageshack because the format isn't good with the website here Oo ) I like yours Deluvas,with the tv thrown on my head XD.And Robo's one too^^
Fucking great writing. Excellent, I agree with you, I know exactly the same. calm down, i know its a english forum, but english isnt his 1st language like other people's is, such as me (for instance) My english's bad? D:
If the Ufos saw in the past(Roswell...) were true,then the aliens can travel through space. I think they exist,we can't be the unic form of intelligence in the whole galaxy.
There will be E.Y.E,it's based on source engine Also,some infos about Halo 3:ODST (new trailer?) I hope there will be an Episode 3 trailer/gameplay announcement,or why not some new games (Portal 2 with the multiplayer 8D). I really hope they won't make a fail E3,because since 2007 it became shitty :/