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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Red Bull (gives you wings XD )
  2. awesome,thanks for the link , moar Halo games to buy
  3. Halo Reach???!!!!
  4. rofl,powerful than crysis 1,that's weird,a lot of people still can't play crysis because it's heavy and it needs a lot of resources,so a crysis 2... Oo
  5. Mr.Green
  6. Resident Evil 5
  7. Hey,it's me with point point
  8. Said he liked my strip (doh,then ok)
  9. I'm probably a sandvich. Nah,I think....mmm....spy?Cause I like infiltrating,but I also have some heavy's side because I like taking a good weapon and explode every living(or not) things around meh
  10. Has imitated the dog's sound
  11. Doesn't want that someone talks about his pleasure of passing throught an infinity of portals.
  12. Vaseline
  13. (I had to use imageshack because the format isn't good with the website here Oo ) I like yours Deluvas,with the tv thrown on my head XD.And Robo's one too^^
  14. Fucking great writing. Excellent, I agree with you, I know exactly the same. calm down, i know its a english forum, but english isnt his 1st language like other people's is, such as me (for instance) My english's bad? D:
  15. If the Ufos saw in the past(Roswell...) were true,then the aliens can travel through space. I think they exist,we can't be the unic form of intelligence in the whole galaxy.
  16. cola>>> Beer
  17. There will be E.Y.E,it's based on source engine Also,some infos about Halo 3:ODST (new trailer?) I hope there will be an Episode 3 trailer/gameplay announcement,or why not some new games (Portal 2 with the multiplayer 8D). I really hope they won't make a fail E3,because since 2007 it became shitty :/
  18. Best team is E.U.
  19. I joined this group some months ago but there is a lot of people in,I don't communicate with them.
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