I'm not convinced of the legitimacy of this, from what it seems you started half of those chats. Not that it matters, I don't care for 'popularity' Welcome back, I suppose.
I would agree with the remove the headcrabs (if you're not doing the npc thing) - It's hard to tell the difference between the zombies and players with the headcrab hat.
You are an excellant player, and I've enjoyed adminning with you. I know how you feel with the situations, and just hope you pop by GMod for a visit occasionally.
Whilst I agree at the fact it's easier to get better weapons for people that can't surf well now. It would make some of the skill surf maps near impossible to finish.
I was ingame at the time of you losing your temper with the '8 year old kids' - Granted they were only young, but they were doing nothing more than talking to each other and using teamwork. You're also aware you can mute them yourself, you said yourself you're just too lazy to do that.
The CS:S - GMod bundle is by far the best value I've ever had, along with The Orange Box. Probably, DoD:S was the worst one, merely due to the fact I've only ever played it once for 20 minutes.