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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

  1. its tiem
  2. Finish before terminator
  3. Yo binslayer u sleepang brotherman??????????? WAKE UPSSSSSS AND UPLOAD!!!!!!!!!!! LULZ
  4. Whattttt.......... every one knows im the best player in mta history.
  5. As i've said the caddy is not the car being used in the actual race, it is the flash..
  6. So i pretty much finished my map that i've been building on for a while. Lost interest picked it up again but i've learned that map editor is a bitch and won't let me continue building without crashing so i've decided to upload it any ways. Map: terminators desert town. Checkpoints: 5 Duration: 2:20 minutes' A little video: (note the golfcart is not the actual vehicle in the map) Also the map is a little longer then in the video but i just couldnt be arsed to make a new video... Terminators desert town.zip
  7. checking your ip? rlly lol but wut if you r behind 7 proxies liek a bawss.... And you are so not stereotyping.....
  8. Yes, but this isn't advertising. This is promoting a Youtube channel. It's the same fucking shit....... Definition of PROMOTE transitive verb 1a : to advance in station, rank, or honor : raise b : to change (a pawn) into a piece in chess by moving to the eighth rank c : to advance (a student) from one grade to the next higher grade 2a : to contribute to the growth or prosperity of : further <promote international understanding> b : to help bring (as an enterprise) into being : launch c : to present (merchandise) for buyer acceptance through advertising, publicity, or discounting What do bears smelling ketchup have to do with anything silver dick?
  9. Yes, but this isn't advertising. This is promoting a Youtube channel. It's the same fucking shit....... Definition of PROMOTE transitive verb 1a : to advance in station, rank, or honor : raise b : to change (a pawn) into a piece in chess by moving to the eighth rank c : to advance (a student) from one grade to the next higher grade 2a : to contribute to the growth or prosperity of : further <promote international understanding> b : to help bring (as an enterprise) into being : launch c : to present (merchandise) for buyer acceptance through advertising, publicity, or discounting
  10. There are some critical pop ups that you forgot, it also should say when i join the server ''THE MOST AWESOME GUY EVER JUST JOINED THIS VERY SERVER'' and it should pop up every minute or two ''terminat0r[NL] IS AWESOME!'' and stuff like that. that's just how i roll you know...
  11. terminator

    Help me.

    I record gameplay with high fps. If you have 2 hard drives in your pc please select the recording folder on the other hardrive then where the game is installed it won't cost you that much fps.
  12. No help Set compability mode on both mta and the original gta sa shortcut , should do the trick. TRIED THIS????????
  13. Set compability mode on both mta and the original gta sa shortcut , should do the trick.
  14. terminator

    Help me.

    Replay the replay's ingame, then record it with fraps..... I used to do this on css i'm not sure if it works with TF2 but it should because it's based on the same engine. start up the game (make sure developpers console is enabled) when in console type ''demoui'' click on the load button and select the replay you want. you can also get a converter wich will directly convert the replays to avi, search on steam forums for that.
  15. Why do I have a feeling that I see that MTA dicksuck stuff again. Danni can be a very nice guy, he just doesn't like it that sergio breaks the rule that says: English/Dutch only, and sergio called Danni a racist for that (bad reason). Well that's what im saying.... he's been away for too long and doesn't know that pretty much all mta admins talk to players in their own language (and they are not dutch or english) it's sort of accepted on the server.
  16. Why take you back? I mean you just come in here and pretty much demand ''TAKE ME BACK'' (what no please?) Times have changed since you've been gone i think you should spend some more time on the servers before making a new application. Sorry but chances are you'are not going to get along with alot of people because of your absense. You already started of on the wrong foot by getting into a fight with sergio, a very respected player... I'd say you have to adapt first, try later...
  17. No, fuck you...
  18. So basicaly i create a map that takes 10 hours of racing to finish , it fits the criteria you just mentioned so you would not reject it? Come on Bin...... I can see why we are stuck with so many worthless maps....lol
  19. No...... but if a video on youtube gets flagged for being innapropriate it gets taken down, this is happening here now and it's still not being taken down. The dislike/like buttons should be used as a ruler as for what the community demands in terms of maps. Sure it's not completely accurate(wich has been discussed before) but 32 dislikes vs 6 likes sends a pretty clear message i'd say... The voting script might be fine the system just isn't,if the community complains admins should take appropriate actions accordingly. This is not happening so i call it a flawed system... Not saying all maps with such negative ratings should be deleted just because they fall in a certain statistic category. I'm just saying that there are exceptions wich should be looked into for the server's sake.
  20. If this like/dislike system is so flawed why is it still on?? lol....
  21. A little old maybe but some good shit, from the old days.
  22. You poor poor man ;( teh map r a lie
  23. Cookie Yoshi Binslayer Ruff Powerful (O) (O) (AKA ''face'') twister noobi meh prolly forgot some....
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