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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

  1. terminator


    (i have a full time job and been having jobs since i was 13) UMAD?
  2. terminator


    LOL share my money??? fuck off let faggots work for it themselves, ''typical poor mans view i don't have any why don't the ones with money just share some..'' ERHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH wrong Money buy's you armies,weapons, people and allies. Yes i really think you are. What the fuck, enjoy it that's what they would do too and the reason they come here.... if you seriously feel guilty living here you should move to a shithole.. Can't save everybody, and we shouldn't even try to..
  3. cool story bro.
  4. Look man it's summertime so they will probably run a little hotter then normal.... I'm guessing it's the upper card that is the hottest card? Reason for this is because the cards are so close to each other it's sucking in hot air from the other gpu.... clean it and you should be fine! 82 degrees is quite normal for a gpu and won't do it that much harm. Don't worry it's fine!
  5. lol umad bro?
  6. "Or move to another country if you want to play..." I stopped to read, hahahahaha. Move to another country??? You really mean it? LOL. Yes i am deadly serious.... your shitty connection is not our problem and i refuse to suffer from someone else's shit... AINT MY FUCKING PROBLEM...... There's something that MEAN TO ME: are you admin, OR NOT? Terminator, who the fuck are you nigga? LOL!!! i'm quite famous in the mta community on here the fact you don't know who i am shows how much of an Insignificance you are... NUGGAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. "Or move to another country if you want to play..." I stopped to read, hahahahaha. Move to another country??? You really mean it? LOL. Yes i am deadly serious.... your shitty connection is not our problem and i refuse to suffer from someone else's shit... AINT MY FUCKING PROBLEM......
  8. Don't fucking raise the limit i fucking hate playing with people that have a ping over 100 LET ALONE 400- 500. It will compltely fuck the gameplay on the server with lagging and warping cunts all over the place! Why don't you buy some decent internet, or move to another country if you want to play on this server in particular... There is dozens more out there that will allow you to play...
  9. You broke it by your bull shit ... Anyways, Clavus James Bond or Mission Impossible ? Bond, tom cruise is a scientology nut there for his films should be deleted.... Ferarri or Lamborghini?
  11. That is like refusing to put on a condom and take ARV's afterwards.....
  12. Did you just crash the topic?? O_________o''
  13. That's what she said!!!!!!!!
  14. Isn't that the same? lol..... Wich super hero would you rather be? Wolverine or Spiderman?
  15. So the best map ever for you is some checkpoints on the DEFAULT gta sa map with some objects , no script, nothing else ?, I loled hard. -Drawing -modelling -Making texture -Apply texture -pre lightening -Collision -scripting -place the map elements -you just did that ... good job Dude !- ... Digital desert is not the best map , it's just one original map that stands out thousands of maps without scripts located on the map of gta san andreas default. ---Warning off topic again--- LOL, yeah you are so right....... Look how default it is!!!!!!
  16. TV, got internets nowadays....... Would you rather eat shit or suck a homeless dudes cock without condom.
  17. hmmm not bad at all 8 For my dutchfags who understand and well every one else who wants to see why brothers and sisters should not have babies.
  18. I don't think humans have the right technology and creative knowledge to possibly make a better map than Digital Desert. Pffft easy gimme 5 minutes and i'll come with something alot better then digitanal dessert......................... Yr dreaming LOL, no you... Yeah in that case binslayer is the greatest mapper haha! ;D
  19. Nope, you have to use the engineers cade kit to get up there, then you can just break it after. It's like being born you have to use some skills to get out and you pretty much destroy the way you came, happends all the time bro!
  20. I don't think humans have the right technology and creative knowledge to possibly make a better map than Digital Desert. Pffft easy gimme 5 minutes and i'll come with something alot better then digitanal dessert.........................
  21. I can't believe ppl actually play this shit..........
  22. terminator

    I'm Back

    So....... i bet you spend alot of time on your cooking skills then?
  23. Seriously what the fuck? Poor faggots with old pc's...........
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