some more: Dawn of the dead <- basically dead rising but then a movie (very awesome) 30days of night <- bad ass vampire movie(no twilight faggot shit) day breakers <- bad ass vampire movie(no twilight faggot shit) The crazies <- People going nuts, army comes in ,not sick escape (bad ass movie) Resident evil 1,2,3 if you like zombies ^ ______ ^ (don't bother watching 4..) The texas chainsaw massacre 2003 <- nice and gory The mist <- People die in very nasty ways :\ 28 weeks later, 28 days later <- most bad ass zombie movies ever made Zombieland,shaun of the dead <- zombie lulz A nightmare on elmstreet 2010 The hills have eyes1,2 (1 is very brutal) The descent <- get lost in giant cave undergrouns with a bunch of smeagols And because i know you guise liek zambies here is a good show if you didn't know it already!
Probably forgot some but here are some for a while lol