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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. Yupp, lol, and Avarice was so lame they stole BassCannon; but then I stole it back and switched from BassCannon to Execution. Seems like the people stealing names are the jealous ones. Kikomax has your faction name by the way. I don't even know whats going on here.
  2. Finished the Imperial Legion missions,
  3. And then Fox News will call us sick fucks. THE ELDER SKYRIM SCROLLS V: SICK PEDOPHILE SIMULATOR! "We've been schocked to hear that so called "Pedophiles" can practice their sick practices in the new video game: Elder skryim scrolls V etc etc. MORE AT 11, FOX NEWS.
  4. You gotta put em on the grindstone first to make em "Legendary". Also @BlueYoshi. The person you marry with moves into your house ( You can also move into their house but that's for poor people ). The person opens a shop and you can collect your share of 100 gold every day. (Your share stacks, so if you forget to collect it for 4 days, you'll recieve 400 gold when you ask for the share). And you can ask them to make you a sammwich.
  5. aw man i was hoping to fill my house with 80 virgins and play tag with them if you know what i mean With your daggers right ?
  6. can you have multiple wives no.
  7. If there's no way else; Open console - Type in : 'coc qasmoke' - Go to all scrolls/books and grab it Or you can try to steal it back. He probably has it in his inventory.
  8. Combat was never that amazing in Elder Scrolls games, it's more about exploring and stories. Play Morrowind to see what I mean .
  9. open console. TM for no menus. TFC for flycamera.
  10. 82 hours here. Anyway enemy finisher moves that lock you in place are my death reason number 1. For some reason the extremely slow power attacks that warhammers/greataxes and greatswords have, which aren't that hard to dodge. Manage to lock me in that finisher animation every god damn time.
  11. I steal ur money.

  12. How difficult can this shit be.
  13. Player.additem 00000f 3400, if you really want it back .
  14. That's cheap. If you're gonna cheat, give yourself 10000 lockpicks.
  15. Has been said alot of times already, but it's true. You can also just flood someones house with all the daggers though .
  16. May I ask why everyone is acting like a dick here, you guys are being an asshole against Cow just because he tried to report behaviour which he thought was unacceptable. Especially you shadows.
  17. Finished the main quest, I actually liked the ending. BUT THE ADVENTURES AREN'T OVER. THEY HAVE JUST BEGUN.
  18. Found first mask It looks glorious.
  19. I flooded some old guys cave with potions.
  20. You can. The main story was a let-down though :/ Never, ever expect anything from the main story of a Bethesda game. I feel that the main focus was on the side quests (and they're awesome) but at least in the story it takes you to most of the awesome places in the game (especially SOVNGARDE!) Cool spoilers bro.
  21. Got Daedric armor, it's awesome . Bonus Pics Kickass view on Ice Some ruin with sweet loot And what the fuck happened here
  22. Also you can dual wield pickaxes and you can mine ore that way, just spam your attack buttons when facing a ore vein.
  23. Post Ur Dovakiin 2.0
  24. Crafted full Ebony + made it legendary quality. It's cool.
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