Yeah he's a window-stealing, cade-breaking, annoying, off-pissing, name-calling, rule-breaking, non-reading, gag-abusing, command-muting, once again rule-breaking, stupid German 3 months old-member who thinks he rules the world and he should be banned, isn't he? So the crystal ball can explain a Dark Star's reaction. It says so: In real life, someone goes to the police to say you've done something wrong. And what do you do? You go to the Judge, and you say "NO HE'S A DUMB FUCK HE *put 20 different kinds of crimes in here* AND ON TOP OF THAT HE'S *place here 5 racist remarks* AND *in here space for miscelleanous shouts*." And then, for some reason, the Judge doesn't wanna listen to you anymore. And the Judge gets more convinced that you did something wrong. So there's more judges too.