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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. Bonus: Headshot counter: 253 Few days ago you were hating on all bad shit recons. Quite a sudden change of heart.
  2. Bonus: Headshot counter: 253
  3. Guess you need to get the fire extinguisher and flare upgrades asap if you want to stay in the air. Yeah... Flares are must-have if you want to stay longer than 30 seconds in air. Extinguisher is good against stupid enemy pilots, who dont care about you after they disable you Well it would still be better if landing on helipad repaired you. Im currently using Flares, Stealth and Heatseeking missiles. Nearly got Laser-Guided missiles,(Necrossin, I'll need you and your SOFLAM soon), cant wait. TV-guided here I come <3 I got soflam
  4. Because your sound is broken.
  5. We got owned by that heli.
  6. Can you atleast give us an example that shows that we don't give a crap about you.
  7. Just got mortars, Great fun blowing up their snipers.
  8. I jumped from a helicopter. Died 1 cm before the end of the no go zone.
  9. Hit & Run and Drop em like liquid were the best ones.
  10. I understand that you're mad, but complaining to us has, indeed, the same effect as sitting back and not playing the game. Meanwhile, play some Co-op or SP .
  11. That's the stupidest argument there is. If its broken for you =/= its broken for everyone else.
  12. I should recieve my copy today. Sure is taking it's time nvm just got it.
  13. That is the most farfetched theory I have ever seen in my entire life. V = VEGAS, FIVE LETTERS AND ITS GTA FIVE. NEXT GTA WILL BE IN LAS VEGAS!
  14. What the fuck does this have to do with GTA. It's like you're trying to start a flamewar. Why do you even respond to it then? Lol it was ignored by every one so you're just as guilty as him for trying to start one congrats and so am i now! OOOOOOOH THE IRONY!!!!!!! Everyone loses
  15. What the fuck does this have to do with GTA. It's like you're trying to start a flamewar.
  16. Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luke Nukem

      Luke Nukem

      Patrolling Bradford... A.k.a Bradistand.

    3. Reiska


      watch yourself profligate

    4. Nobana


      Beware of the NCR.

  17. Fallout New Vegas. -NCR soldier #412. "Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter." Fallout New Vegas. -NCR soldier #123 (DRUNK). "When I got this assignment I was hoping there would be more gambling." Deus Ex: Human Revolution. -Adam Jensen, commenting on the sad passing of Big Rizzle. "Yeah R.I.P" Fallout New Vegas. -Kid "We've got stuff we are not even allowed to sell people! Only at Mick and Ralph's!"
  18. Courier needs food... badly.

    1. BlueYoshi97


      Gimme a Black Horse Courier, and I also want a black horse, courier.

    2. TechnoNegro
    3. Sacrevy
  19. Thanks guys. Now we just gotta wait for EmRA to cut the cake!
  20. Generic skull and bullet dogtags. I think I'll take the more fancy ones.
  21. Hundred2

    Uncharted 3

    I thought that Uncharted 1 and 2 were pretty fine games, the only dissapointing things were the final boss fights, part one's boss fight was pure frustration and the 2nd one was hoping you didnt fuck up while running and gunning those blue orb things. Looking forward to this one.
  22. Hundred2

    Max Payne 3

    Battlefield 2142 and Battlefield 2. Same franchise but different settings. \:V/
  23. I think its around here.
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