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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. Wear the entire set and it looks better. Also I was fighting this boss who kept disarming me, so I had to use a different approach. UNLIMITED POWERRR
  2. Use your companions as a pack mule. Always works.
  3. lol so funeh he fails at jets and backstabs someone with overused sound effects + song.
  4. I think enemies do more damage and you do a bit less.
  5. What is with all the new games already. I haven't even finished the main quest yet, fuck I haven't even visited all cities yet.
  6. I tried, it shows a path to your quest marker, I only use it when I have to reach some godforsaken peak that only has one pathway to it that I can't find. Also Dragon killcount is 10 now.
  7. Just changed to Master. You can see what difficulty in Settings -> Game.
  8. I kept getting owned by some guys so i rage smithed steel plate armor (everything is Exquisite quality). Now I have 180 armor rating, Dwarven armor best quality didnt even get to 150, I feel like some invincible machine now Also do cleared dungeons respawn?
  9. Ask for jobs at bars, they give random kill bandit quests. EDIT: Clavus. I AM SPEEHS MAREEN.
  10. I think the leveling works like this. Every skill can level up and contributes to your next level, however, the higher the skill = the more it contributes to next level. So going from destruction level 50 to 51 gives more progress compared to going from level 24 lockpick to level 25. You can train destruction by hitting people with destruction spells . Also I'm level 21 Nord that uses magic, one hand sword and sometimes a bow.
  11. Dragon skeleton. snip hold on
  12. Let me guess. Frost Troll ? She's still alive in my game, I actually look after the people who help me. Unlike someone.
  13. You need to unlock a One Hand Weapon perk to be able to cut heads off, I think it's a level 50 perk.
  14. Just found the best one hand weapon perk in the entire game. I can decapitate people
  15. Yes. Heavy armor protects more but you are slower and you use more stamina when sprinting. Also heavy armor makes you suck at sneaking.
  16. And that's just the start. Finished it, amazing quest.
  17. I think I found the guy where you can buy the amulet that let's you marry people . Where did that hot legion soldier go after he split up with me. Also "won" a drinking contest, woke up in some temple with priestess being mad.
  18. This is very true. Wanted to travel to Riften, entered a random ruin. Suddenly a misc quest with a neat Shout as reward, took me 20 minutes.
  19. Ok let's stop spoiler spam. This is cool. also protip for cool pics: tfc and tm in console.
  20. Yeah they are pretty dangerous, try using a really powerfull scroll or something. I lose against them and I'm level 13 Until I showed one my super cool huge fireball splosion scroll.
  21. Did someone steal your sweetroll?

  22. You have to go deeper into the tunnel. Natalie Portman's wormhole? no ur mom xD
  23. You have to go deeper into the tunnel.
  24. Bethesda Bugstm I havent experienced bugs that much yet, only the interface is a bitch sometimes.
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