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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. Hundred2


    I guess he was a troll. Or just really stupid.
  2. Dynamic Music.
  3. Cool game.
  4. My only real problem with BF3 right now is bloody Origin.
  5. Next time. Make a proper topic about the problem, this just makes you look retarded.
  6. Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. While the most widely recognized form of spam is e-mail spam, the term is applied to similar abuses in other media: instant messaging spam, Usenet newsgroup spam, Web search engine spam, spam in blogs, wiki spam, online classified ads spam, mobile phone messaging spam, Internet forum spam, junk fax transmissions, social networking spam,...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dr.Minky



    3. Sacrevy


      Spam. Yes I'm lazy.

    4. Tennisballesser



  7. Ban please. Other people responding to this topic: You will feed him, don't do it.
  8. I was playing TF2 and suddenly this happens

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clavus


      You didn't even kill him.

    3. Hundred2


      Clavus, killing him doesn't matter. It's the shot that counts.

    4. Clavus


      You still didn't kill him. I thought that second rocket was going to hit him too! That would've actually made it a Pendulum-worthy skillshot.

  9. 100+ melee kills as berserker on a roof. Crowbar gave 25 HP back with every hit
  10. Invitations. Fuck you. (Unless there is a way to sign up for the beta)
  11. To be honest, it was pretty fun to screw around and such, but I was a bit dissapointed (well, hugely dissapointed ) that it wasn't cool admin vs player srs tf2 action. You shouldn't have muted me though, I was going to play cool music too .
  12. Clavus, could you promise to never organise a event unless you put effort in it ?
  13. This disaster shows that Clavus cannot plan a simple event. He could just switch it to a 32 player server with normal TF2, but that would be no fun right.
  14. Also, will fastrespawn be enabled?
  15. Instead of raging about stuff, let's resurrect this topic. One of the best RTS's I've ever played. Back when NFS was good and you were controlling cars, not quick time events. Even though Medal Of Honor: Frontline was the "Allied Assault" on the console, this Medal of Honor was a pure fucking gem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9MMrxo2Gq4 This game was really difficult for me, but eventually I learned how to stay out of the red and earn lods e mone. Also @ BlueYoshi. SNEEEEEEELSTE RONDUUUUUUUUUUUUH
  16. Best timing for a topic ever. It's like you are aiming to annoy the people here.
  17. Sucks that Admins are RED because my Soldier hat and misc item look better on RED
  18. They afraid.
  19. Ponies can be ponies. If they do not shove their MLP stuff in our faces.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Weo


      yeh we try to keep it more inside bronies now... btw we didn't start the insult thread... it was the pony haters so you can't just blame us.

    3. Mathematic


      We can blame you for being ponysuckers.

    4. Raptor


      You can't destroy the Bronyship

  20. Oh man This is going to be a real piece of piss.
  21. This was fucking hilarious. I cried. Also people hate ponies because it's just some obnoxious bullshit which people only post to annoy people. (Also at 0:22 you can hear me scream: PONIES)
  22. 04:10. Still blind enemies
  23. Firstworldproblems.
  24. They look a bit stiff to me, the third person animations look better though.
  25. Make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pain stop make the pai- ARG HELP ME THIS IS KILLING ME. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
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