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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. you can't get out? No we have to find out who the owner is and nothing is pointing at it... The owner is some guy in the starting village, the trader.
  2. Figure it out yourself, I haven't figured this out myself so I'm not taking sides yet. Just experience it own your own, that is the best way to play these games. By taking your damn time and carefully making decisions.
  3. Man I made some progress, killed first dragon and got sweet new gear. nords ftw
  4. Man this game is awesome. Heavy armor + sword + destruction spell/restoration Nord here. (Just finished that Golden Claw quest.
  5. Protip: pov 80 (or was it fov 80?) Removes the tunnel vision.
  6. Well you have some pretty badass kill finishing moves, I'm sure I haven't seen 'em all. Also, have a picture I just took: I don't understand what that photo is. Maybe the definition of awesome graphics?
  7. Can you cut peoples faces off ?
  8. Still better than your driving.
  9. How much damage VS tank.
  10. pre-ordered it last night. Sure hope its good.
  11. SPOILERS!!!! But yeah, it gives you an extra motivation to get Makarov I guess. Poor Ghost and Soap I don't even need to open the spoiler tag to realise what that meant. Damnit.
  12. This topic is for one of our older veteran (maybe not the most active but still bamf veteran) members, Silver Dot, who just turned 16. Congratulations you magnificent bastard, enjoy the day. Thanks for all the amazing TF2/BF3/Infected Wars games I've played with you.
  13. That new gamemode kinda reminds me of that BF2142 gamemode. Assault Lines.
  14. Semi-fake. Look at his ammocount.

    1. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Watch yourself profligate.

  16. Just got 3 melee ribbons in one round olol bragging.jpeg
  17. 7..? How did they manage to add 2 extra flags on a map which looks to be smaller than the original? Holy fuck. You're fucking stupid you know?
  18. Also notice the 7 flags/caps in the trailer.
  19. Probably download it for single player.
  20. Oh my god Courier, A bomb on the monorail!

  21. Hundred2


    *coughs* you actually are a retard wow and also i wanted to get my point across so get bitched That will totally improve your chances for an unban I agree with him though :3
  22. Just got this, 250 headshots. also @PEPPER, I think the M98 is just a clumsy piece of shit. I prefer the SV98, looks good and it's just fine. Also this Recon thing is just a phase okay, it's just that BF2142 recon-thing coming up in me.
  23. Impressive. I'm working for a Accuracy Ribbon Medal (5 headshots in 1 round) myself.
  24. I don't play it. Then it means that it's not aimed at you and that you should ignore it.
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