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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. EmRA made that glorious soldier with green background for me. Its my cool TF2 spray now. Also i love the one with the soldiers in the bathtub who are surrounded by ducks.
  2. After nine years in development, we hope it has been worth the weight.

    1. Darkstar



    2. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      Why did you do that Hundy? DO YOU EVER WANT EPISODE TROIS?

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Hah. Valve can't count to three.

  3. What is he doing?
  4. Boo hoo dice sux ((((
  5. I see what you did there. Ill take number 13
  6. Hey guys i just wanted to spam here because I need attention and everyone is so interested in my texts exks dee xD

  7. Thanks Necro, added it to my wallpaper list. Also you can enter tanks with three people now, look carefully when the video switches to a tank.
  8. I watched it in 1080P fullscreen. It was glorious. I wonder what the robot at 1:32 does, looks terrifying.
  9. (He asked me and prismaa to give us logos so Clavus could rip them off)
  10. Everybody hates mungols. Poor guys
  11. Hola senor
  12. Be quiet you, he said he saw it already, He has to watch it twice. You told him four times already. First it took 3 times, now it must take another 2 times. When will the terrible power of Ywa end.
  13. Help i need 1000 views achievement farming oh god nigger

    1. Raptor


      Seems like to be the favorite word on this forum

    2. Hundred2
    3. Raptor
  14. Ywa is probably already scared of his own mirror image. So I think Ywa doesn't have mirrors.
  15. I think Ywa is trying to tell you something Tom.
  16. "Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my Earth" Looks cool Clavus.
  17. Looks legit. Good catch.
  18. Interests: Video games, and...?

    I guess pretty girls.

  19. Shit son, you look so handsome as spy.

    With that mask and hat.

    I'm jelly.

  20. Im afraid it is. I dont mind. Since the Origin is only for clicking "Play BF3". Also, there you have to proof that it isnt EA's fault that BF3 wont be in Steam.
  21. Then go play on another server. Problem solved.
  22. Looks like zombie master.
  23. Almost home, 2 days left.


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