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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. I find it hilarious that after 7 bans, Björn still exploits.
  2. Admins vs. players, not admins vs. forum regulars or admins vs. elitists forum regular =/= joined one day ago. I think math meant something like that.
  3. "Alright everyone, Clavus is going to cut the cake!" Happy birthday bro.
  4. Funny how everyone joins after this is announced.
  5. AK in WW2 what. Also I think i heard the same voiceactor from the "SHIT WERE LOSING MEN" guys from METRO 2033. Who were bad ass.
  6. 1:1 ofcourse. Admins arent super skilled just because they have admin powers.
  7. Hey dude just spamming this here for attention *coughzombitchcough*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mathematic



    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Thats about ZomBitch

    4. Sacrevy


      Wow, people even make topics/status's about how i suck! Thanks everyone ^^

  8. Sigh. EA has raped Battlefield 3 for me, if all this information is true. I think I'll just enjoy Red Orchestra 2 then .
  9. https://twitter.com/...892143303925760 Shit. Halted my pre-order for now. They also announced that you will only need origin during the installation. After that you are free to uninstall it. Source.
  10. https://twitter.com/...892143303925760 Shit. Halted my pre-order for now.
  11. Also Clavus, give me the source that confirms that BF3 will need Origin.
  12. Buy modern warfare 3. Quickscoping is not Battlefield. If you think quickscoping can save your life in Battlefield 2/2142/3 you wouldn't last a minute.
  13. I never run out of ammo. Im a boss. That and your avatar scares me. :< No... wait... I'm not scared... YOU CAN'T WALK THROUGH MY COMPRESSION BLAST! It's called a shotgun and firing rockets after you airblasted.
  14. I never run out of ammo. Im a boss.
  15. Then a Mr. Green event is no place for you. I bet clavus will disable the GC store for this event. I guess clavus must play with his funny upgrades. INVISIBLE MAN DEAD RINGER SPAM OH GOD
  16. Yes please.
  17. Only announce this to forum regulars. It's more fun to be playing with forum bro's then with the server regulars that I don't even know. Also Clavus, disable the store upgrades pwease :3? Anyway, I'm looking forward to it Gonna play dem solider.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      All ur antidotes are shit

      Its better to laugh at infection so infection gets upset and wont deal with you.

    3. Darkstar


      But mine deals with the infection one bullet at a time D:

    4. Mr. Darkness
  18. I would just use the color room in the standard Gmod map. You can paint the white walls with color mod.
  19. Oi I made that joke. Scary shit tho, If I lived in that city I would move out as fast as I fucking could. That Or the combines are coming and we're fucked.
  20. Also sorry for doublepost but i found this interesting picture about Origin and BF3. The ones about battlelog vs server browser is more opinion based than fact though. ' (Clavus can remove my post above this one tho)
  21. Hurp ponies. All I can say to ponies is this.
  22. Why don't we wait until we have more information before we judge. (Tries to stay neutral)
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