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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. As soon as I get home from here, gona update mah BC2 and force all of you to play with me. Seems like at least 15 players from the community have it for PC? Thats enough for some great 6vs6 or something, depending how many will be able to play.
  2. Noobtubes, do doubt about it. They can, and always will, get you. Someone make something up.
  3. Im glad they also added a CQB map, even though I dont prefer snowy maps, they're kinda bright.
  4. Oasis and Harvest Day, everything that a player needs. Anywayz, I'll be the noob in the squad when I get it for PC(even though Im gona kick your ass with Rank#1 guns).
  5. Alrighty then. You guys play it every now and then? And the Vietnam DLC has got an ETA! It will arrive on December 18th, but there is a little trick in it. You can play it on 18th only if you have pre-ordered it from either EA Store or from Steam. Others will have to wait till December 21st. EA Store 12,99€ Steam store E: And also the SpectAct DLC kits are available on PC. They include 4 new uniforms on each team(one per class) and 4 refreshed guns which have a nice little camouflage(snow, sand and jungle versions). The weapons are: M16, UMP, MG3 and M95. Also new avards come with the DLC. 4,95€ EA Store
  6. Im considering of selling my BC2 Xbox version and buying it for PC. So, the question is, does anyone of you have it for PC? If not, then probably gona keep it for Xbox and buy MoH for PC.
  7. Nobana

    Beat Hazard

    Played it at friends house yesturday. It was fucking awesome.
  8. Why dont you have your Recycle Bin in the dock as well? Cant have any wallpaper since Windows keeps bitching about my downloaded Windows.
  9. Nice job at the Lego dude, Clavus.
  10. Could you please edit your first post? Since it says the engine is BF2142 engine, which its not. Some new info: -Maps and vehicles from BF2 -Weapons, classes and armies from BC2 -RPG thingys from BF Heroes -New animations, characters, voices/sounds and music -5 second spawntime -Possible LAN support -Dedicated servers from certain providers(like BFH) -Buyable weapons have a bit higher critical hit percent -System requirements on the same level with Battlefield 2 Classes: Assault -Assault rifle, shotgun, pistol and knife -Can share ammo, use the hand and smoke grenades Recon -Sniper rifle, shotgun, pistol and knife -Other:C4, Claymore and Mortar strike, and may indicate an target(some kind of tracer/laser designator?) Engineer -Submachine gun, shotgun, pistol and knife -Other: RPG, the AT-mines and repair tool Medic -Light machine gun, shotgun, pistol and knife -Other: first-aid kit, a defibrillator and hand grenades The soldier/character can be "developed" with pre-set options, you cant open all the options. Areas of development: equipment, physics, combat effectiness. For example, more energy, the ability to see first aid- and ammo boxes, ability to disarm a claymore. Maps: -At least Gulf of Oman, Strike at Karkand and Sharqi Peninsula. The best maps from BF2. Vehicles: US Marines: M1A2-tank, F-35 -jet, RIB(boat), UH-60/Black Hawk -chopper, Humvee/HMMWV, DPV(car), AH-1Z-chopper and LAV-25 -APC/light tank Russia: Vodnik(car), SU-34 -jet, FAV(car), MI-28 -chopper, T-90-tankki, MIG-29 -jet, MI-17-chopper and Tunguska -AA vehicle And here is a "small" video about the game, it only lasts about 2 hours. It will keep you busy. Video also contains some more info.
  11. Whats wrong with the tracers? If it ain't on the list, it aint getting fixed. Yet. You cant see your own tracers. Also, the PC recieved those fixed weeks ago, except for the M14 and G3 scopes. Works fine on Xbawx. Why does EA say that PC will get that update later? Somehow I think you mixed this update with some else.
  12. Whats wrong with the tracers? If it ain't on the list, it aint getting fixed. Yet.
  13. Multiplayer Update 3 for Bad Company 2 -- PS3 tonight, other formats to follow. Completa list of changes: Source
  14. You can suggest what to add/remove in that thread also?
  15. Yeap, edited. Added a map that QTesla suggested.
  16. Mmkay? Gona add those maps to the list on that thread, mmkay? E: Not gona add the first two maps though, since you said they wouldnt work and they just look good. EE: Seriously, why on earth would you ask those maps to be added when you didnt even test one, said that one sucks, didnt comment on the last and one got 9999 AWP's? So Im only gona add the 1st, since its the only which you tested and was good?
  17. My God. What happened here. Wait. What. December 2008. ... You just bumped an 2-year old topic. Good job! E: Why the fuck did I bump this?
  18. Nobana


    E: Deleted so the flaming would not continue. Please dont bumb this. PLEASE!
  19. Tough one.. :< No hitting under the belt.
  20. No school = no education. Don't be stupid 75% of the things you learn in school, you don't even need in your future life. That. Im gona do well in life even if I dont how an atom "splits". It splits anyway.
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