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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Nobana


    Looks awesome on my opinion too. Though there is quite a few games where the player has some sort of übersuit which makes him immortal etc. I think Crysis was the first & best. Only on PS3? Shocker. Hope I get mine soon.
  2. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    What? Its suppose to be a Stock server? At least 60-70% should be normal maps. E: You didnt listen to me when it came changing Fun into DR. You might want to listen now. Alex, you said that DR would be more popular than Fun/MG, look how that turned out to be.
  3. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    atleast now you can buy weapons... and use your skills. to make it more fun add: ( fy, aim) maps. I think it would be better with the stock maps. Maybe throw in a coupple aim maps, but mainly stock maps... "At least now you can use skill"? Surfing needs a lot more skill than normal CSS. Agreed with Sacri. No awp or any special maps. Good old normal maps which are proven to be good.
  4. Buy it jeesh. Crappy game though.
  5. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    You better not be lying.
  6. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    No shit. Anything we didnt know?
  7. 100% yes for Bastinator. Really active and helpful! CSS needs admins, hope you could be one of 'em!
  8. Too new, I wanna see some classic. Or something. That movie was great though.
  9. The guy whos reflection I can see in the window with my CSI stuff.
  10. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    lolbump We want DR the hell outta here.
  11. Looks cool. I find the hay on the front disturbing because the camera didnt focus on them. Would've been better if you had rose the camera up above your head or gone further in there.
  12. 101 minutes. Its quite good. There is two versions of it, normal and Extended, they are quite different and end differently. Both are good.
  13. Yea, more info I think. True @ Blueyoshi. [offtopic] And I just found out that IKEA's have food in them! Good food! Cheap food! They sell meatballs and such. I dont remember being in an IKEA so I havent tasted. I heard that all IKEA's all around the world have that. Heard it is delicious. [/offtopic]
  14. Say one game that have better sounds. None. Good, now shut up. BFBC2. BF2142. MW2. Call of Duty: Black Ops. BC2 sounds are good. BF2142 sounds arent even close, they are boring. And, Call of Duties? You gotta be kidding me, since when have airsoft guns sounded good. MoH and BC2 sounds are the only one with balls in it, even Halo sounds suck compared to those. Never played Arma 2 so dont know bout that. E: Its two different things that are the sounds realistic, and do they have balls. Was it Call of Duty: WaW that used real gun sounds, a bit modified? Those sounds sucked. No balls in them.
  15. Say one game that have better sounds. None. Good, now shut up.
  16. I didnt know that that map had it too. I only knew the
  17. Yea, I was like Wtf when I saw you What were the odds.
  18. Triple post to wake some shit up here. Iim 99% sure I will get the game on PC. The Beta is good, finally guns sound and look awesome, better than in any other game. A little dissapointed when no destructive enviroment, but I allready got over that. Some minor flaws, but nothing too serious.
  19. Captain achieved(Im slow I know). I let the Recon go for a while, bought a complete ODST set, pretty neat too. PS. Rank system sucks ass.
  20. That video pretty much says everything.
  21. They... They raped my childhood memories.
  22. If games never took ideas from other games, the entire industry would stagnate. Indeed. Every FPS uses ideas from the first DooM game. HERECY!
  23. Robots don't have genders. Thats right bitch! High five! Wall-E kicks ass. I thought that a movie where you dont hear any talk in the first half, would suck, but it didnt.
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