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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  2. Back to the Future 1 & 2 or 2 & 3. Harold & Kumar "Go to White Castle"
  3. You guys fucking suck at quoting stuff. Its suppose to be a pyramid, see? I kinda liked the video.
  4. Where and when exactly do you snowboard? You do it like, once a year/winter, or more? Would you mind if I tagged along? I dont snowboard, but Im better than good with ski's(even when I say so myself). I could work as the cameraman(if you need someone to film while you snowboard) or something..? E: I understand if you are looking guys from your country/your age.
  5. Rebel scums. I liked it.
  6. I'll just leave these here. Some ancient ufo "proof". Some of these were shown on the TV show "Ancient Aliens" on History Channel. So no crying like "Argh, looks shop'd".
  7. I assume that was a repply to my comment. Yes, I know that, but you shot them straight from the ammo belt, right? No magazine, when so few bullets?
  8. Btw, you had only 40 rounds so you shot them straight from the belt, right? That holosight sure is sexy as fuck.
  9. Thanks honey ♥ It's an M4, obviously? E: I have to admit, that M249 sure is a beauty, never handled the real thing.
  10. Why do we want back to the moon? Been there done that EDIT: If we want to live there we have to learn to make water out of moon rock I saw it on Discovery channel long time ago They made water out of moon dust! But for some reson NASA dinnt want it.... And btw, the cut didnt affect so much. The trip to Mars is still under planning, and before that, NASA is going to land on some asteroid which is coming "towards"(near) Earth.
  11. Its a fuckin 10/10. It has it all! Monks, bongo-drums, indians singing, violins!
  12. Without a brain, one cannot think. Without EXISTING AT ALL, how can one exist? ARLRLRLR, NO ATOMS, NO GOD ARLLRLRLR! Really, is this what you call a civilized conversation? Not a flamewar, noooo. Just you backing up your theories and what you want to believe with sciense. And if I believe in God totally different than others, then Im just stupid, wrong, and I have no idea what Im talking about, right?
  13. Biggest bullshit I have ever heard. Got a source on that? Why is everything bullshit just because you havent heard of it? One of the sources. Then we had newspapers and all. I dont care if you dont like the source because you never seen it before.
  14. Why must Christianity be right? Why must The Book of Genesis be right? Why cant they both be wrong? If he get sucked in by a black hole (HE CREATED), how can he be all-powerful. Also, you're leaving off at the dinosaurs, ultimately leading to humans being able to live on the surface. With that you're saying that evolution is true. What's up with that? Whats wrong with Evolution and God all together? Why is it impossible for you to think that both are right? Lets leave the Big Bang and all out of this.
  15. I think you should look up the defintion of God. Question, are you religious to a certain degree? Seeing how you believe in heaven? If someone belives in some sort of God, must his theory be like everyone elses? Well, I dont know the degrees, but between 1-10, Im a 3 or a 4. Even science cant explain that what happens after death. And your friend science has proven that a human soul has its own weight, so when a person dies, his body gets lighter when the soul "dies/leaves". When thinking of that, yes, I believe something happens after death, as said before, maybe Heaven, maybe even rebirth. Edit: Exactly.
  16. I never said I believed a God that made us all. I just said I like to believe in some sort of God. I didnt say that God is all-powerfull, maybe he is just the doorman of Heaven. Gee, isn't sciense suppose to explain that? See, you require a scientifical explanation to everything. I dont care about som atoms and electrons when talking about God.
  17. I don't know if this is relevant or not, but how can it be superior if he doesn't have controll? also; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God Urgh. If something is superior, does it mean that it will automatically have control of everything? Also, I dont really have the motivation to read 1000 lines of text from Wikipedia about God, since there is nothing interesting. No, I dont believe its another life form, I just believe theres some sort of God, a non-material(like a spirit) maybe. If a God exists, does it mean that it will automatically have to save people from falling off buildings?
  18. Why would I be? E: To quote Mayco's response, I also dont believe "all-knowing, all-powerful being which created life" and I also believe different not-God-related-theories about the Universe and all. But I like to believe that there is something higher us, beyong our understanding. It doesnt have to controll anything or stuff, but something superior.
  19. *Read above* Most of us atheists simply belive in logics, and physics. Nothing else. God couldn't have existed, it's physically impossible. Uhm. It's physically impossible? I dont recall sciense every trying to proof that God's existance is physically impossible? There's nothing impossible in it.
  20. And why is EmRA the guy whos wrong in here? Its all you atheists who want to have answers on everything, doesnt it go like "Sciense is always right and nothing that has been believed for thousands of years is real"? I think all you atheists want to believe something, and you dont accept anything supernatural because you think its impossible. And whats that "like all others in the past" is suppose to mean? Are you saying that everyone who believes in God these days is either stupid or wrong? I understood your comment quite offensive against everyone of us who believes in something.
  21. Not to be mean, but is this what you call a "civilazed conversation"? Everyone yealling at EmRA. Carry on.
  22. For gods sake, 2nd time today. Bumbing old topics isnt illegal or stupid. Making new ones is. So if you wanna continue talking about UFO's, do it in the UFO thread I linked above. If you want to talk about the space and stuff, do it in... uhm.. here. Didnt they start that "Space-Hotel" project or something? Or was it just the space flight for tourists?
  23. Only found this and the Relig. & paranormal act. Scrolled the pages in Paranormal activity thread, and it is the one with 2 pages about universes and stuff. Thanks ERROR!(Please dont hit me). ERROR: *Hits Nobana*
  24. And I and Crowbar were only ones discussin about this, and we seem to be done talking.
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