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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Cough, what did you say? Gee, I guess I was right after all.
  2. Not to be rude but that site sucks. Its unclear, and most results it shows are on some torrent site that you need to pay for downloading.
  3. Is for PC. Goosh you guys suck at searching torrents. I dont know how cant you find it. But I wont link anything because I dont want to help someone download anything(anyone but me that is).
  4. These DLC maps, not even one of them is from the campaign. Like I said before, Breakpoint is close/similar, but still not even close. Looking forward to this DLC, no matter what.
  5. Noup. And Bungie.net's newest Tag And Release subject was Wallpapers, and they are all pretty sick(in a good way). Check them out here.
  6. Nobana


    We call that Gammon here <3 Jambon+cheese+eggs= epic tasty food. Yeap. We just call it ham. Of some sort. I never look at the name tags when I buy food.
  7. None of those maps are from Singleplayer. Breakpoint is close, but still totally different, only the theme is the same. E: And by "original" you mean like remakes of earlier Halos?
  8. Well what are you doing in this topic then?
  9. Noble Map Pack trailer is out. WATCH IN HD! Bungie.net link
  10. Lies. Can we agree that the person who gets replied, cant answer next? For example, I couldnt reply now, since I already replied before BeatAlex.
  11. Im sorry to say that there is no Barret in that picture. First I was like "Spaz? Lolwut?" But then I realized what you ment
  12. Lol, if these are real weapons you do know that you can go to jail right? Edit: Seems fake, I see a S2AM down here. ... Squirrel, those yours? Airsoft, I assume. Or de-activated(non-working) weapons? If de-activated, then worthless, cool but worthless.
  13. We Finnish people sure can talk english! Rally-english, that is.
  14. Nobana


    Bacon, that brown, juicy substance you find irresistable to eat. Anyway, nothing is better as a weekend breakfast than fried bacon and eggs. We need some true American bacon-eaters here. E. They eat bacon everywhere, EVERYWHERE I TELL YOU!
  15. We gotta have the 2nd and maybe even 3rd part next weekend! These movies are awesome and fun! And the other parts kick ass too! E: Or E.T!
  16. Just use Theater to take the screenshots, and then upload them to your Fileshare. Then go into Bungie.net and login, then just load them from your profile/File share. And yes, we must do that.
  17. Nobana


    Oh, I didnt know you had stomach cancer? Is it serious? Anyways, get well soon.
  18. I would suggest here, because minority of us play Halo.
  19. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    Says you. They're not fine when you consider everything what I said above.
  20. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    Ywa, would it be possible to remove the stats system from the Stock server? There is no way that anyone would get in Top10 with playing only in Stock server. In Surf you can easily get, depending on map, stats like 20-0 or 40-10. You gain so much more points in Surf, so its not really necessary to even have the same stats system in Stock server.
  21. Nobana

    Pimp my gun

    Some parts of the editor fail. For example the AN/PEQ-2 laser pointer in "Electronics". I only want one of those, not two? Why does it give one on the top and one to the side. And rail covers, sometimes I only need some for the sides.
  22. Nobana

    Pimp my gun

    Im a first timer, so I kinda suck. Anyway, tried to create some sort of assault- and sniper rifle. Gona try and do some SMG later today, and maybe some sort of support weapon too.
  23. God dammit the new player-made maps suck. One sucks ass in Team Snipers, the other sucks in SWAT. Bungie shouldn't have taken those maps.
  24. Nobana

    Complete the shape

    Chiken you dirty mofo.
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