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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. You lazy bastards. PLAY TETRIS. It aint hard to copy an image to paint and then upload it here.
  2. Colors added to make things easier. E: Fixed
  3. lol Awesome trailer to be hones. They managed to get Kobe Bryant Jimmy Kimmel in it.
  4. Okey. So, got this idea from a finnish gaming forum. EXAMPLE So, you save the previous image to your PC, open it with Paint/PS/etc. and cut the block from the right upper corner, twist it if necessary, and then put it where ever you want to the "playing area". After this, you copy a block from the right lower corner, and move it to the upper corner so the next player can use it. Then you just upload the image to imageshack/tinypic/etc and post it here. Just to be clear, if a player gets a full line to the bottom, he draws a red line over it, so the NEXT PLAYER can edit & remove it, as seen above. My first move:
  5. http://www.videogamer.com/news/large-scale_cod_first-person_action_title_in_2011.html You gotta be fucking kidding me. Cant I even get one year without a CoD gaming getting released? I mean, if they did a CoD once every two years, maybe it wouldnt be so boring and self-repeating.
  6. The movie was just so random, but that made it awesome. And Cyrius, if you only watched it for 40 minutes, how can you know it was a bad film?
  7. Just watched all the Halo Legends episodes. I highly recommend that anyone who is fan of the serie downloads them now. In 1080p, the way they're ment to be watched.
  8. Yes, this is the EA's new Battlefield game. Its BF2 with some little changes, for example the game engine has been modified to work better & to be more good looking. The max player amount have been changed from 64 to 32. Im glad that they kept all the vehicles that were awesome in BF2. And the map in the video is one of the best, Strike at Karkand. Could you add those infos to your post, so people could see what it is when looking at the topic?
  9. Nobana


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_drink Read the part "Attempts to ban". Im googling other english sources as we speak.
  10. Nobana


    Why are energy drinks allowed in all countries with no age limit? It has been proven to be harmfull to human body. Your argument is invalid.
  11. Nobana


    That's the worst argument I've ever heard. I'm using the same argument you did. "There is no proof" So you are saying your own argument is shit ? But there is proof that it's not harmful to human body.
  12. Nobana


    Call it 'dependent' then instead of 'addicting'. If by "dependent" you mean that one must smoke weed to survive/or not to get withdrawal symptoms, then you're wrong. Whatever, having a discussion with you is a complete waste of time. Because of course you based your answer on a lot of research and knowledge, and listened to many different trustworhty sources, so you always know best. Excuse me, but I think its the other way around. You think you're right, but Im afraid you're not. And to your sarcasm, yes I based my answer on everything you mentioned. I think this is a debate that you cant win.
  13. Nobana


    Call it 'dependent' then instead of 'addicting'. If by "dependent" you mean that one must smoke weed to survive/or not to get withdrawal symptoms, then you're wrong.
  14. Nobana


    Weed is not addicting. Fact. End of conversation.
  15. What exactly did you correct from besweeet's post? lol Its Ievan Polkka. Not Levan-. With and i-letter. +2 postcount for me
  16. New ranks and armor have been unlocked! There is NOT another rank cap. Go nuts!
  17. Agreed. And it was good in MW2 singleplayer, that there wasnt infinite amount of enemies(though I never noticed this on my own gameplay since I only rushed). You could kill the enemies, and then go. Not like most other games where you have to move into a certant point to stop the enemies from spawning.
  18. Fu dont say things like that. Even if you ment it as an joke.
  19. Nobana

    Application :3

    DO EET! So, good luck.
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