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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Just got the new Golden Retriever, named her "Helmi"(Finnish for "pearl"). ~7 weeks old.
  2. Is that true? still... I am not amazed Michael Jordan doesnt play basketball anymore. Hasnt played since 2003. And yes, its/it was true.
  3. Hope you will have a nice day! Gratz
  4. Wrong. Good guitars are custom made ones ~1000-2000e Depends on what country you live, and what kind of guitar it is. Well, its a good kind of guitar. And they can be over 1000 euros in every country.
  5. Nobana

    Last words

    Why is everyone so eager of going to space? I would travel to the center of the earth like Jules Verne.
  6. Nobana

    Last words

    You know, you can do that now if you like. I would go skydiving with no parachute.
  7. At first I was like "Whoooah". But then I saw the Wii, and then I was like "Bitch"
  8. Exactly the same problem here. Other Source games work fine. Appeared few days ago, I think. Or then I just didnt play enough CSS when update got released to notice the problem.
  9. Why you got a snooker table and I dont, its just not fair I hope you play Snooker too.
  10. Why isnt my room like that Though I have teddy-bear blanket and stuff.
  11. I heard you're jealous. But still, why? Coss then he doesnt need to open PC for fapping. You can just look at the wall.
  12. There's no internet in Austria? Is this an excuse to abandon us? TELL US THE TRUTH! Are you gona leave your PC for three years? If I were you, I would take it with me.
  13. Why on earth would you do that? Error, you have a camera like that on your desk, but still you took the pic with some other(shittier) camera?
  14. Thats no lair! It has a window! Remove the window immediately!
  15. WE ARE GETTING A NEW PUPPY! You can expect pictures coming on weekend.
  16. Btw, who do you keep in that cage? Or is it only for private use?
  17. I think that GreyDust was banned, but still today he could join? Am I right?
  18. Im sorry, we tried to be done in exactly midnight @ GMT, but something seriously failed. HAPPY BIWTHDAY! PS. We would have bought you a present, but we used our last pennies to buy those crayons, which we used to draw this.
  19. I think I "know" that guy. He got this awesome russian accent which makes him sound fucking cool like mafia. I mean, if its the same guy.
  20. Yea, be active in IRC too! E: Mmkay, I failed.
  21. Fix'd a bit. E: Oh and good luck of course
  22. New info about the PC patch/update. "As long as this continues we are aiming to release on Wednesday (23rd) of next week. However this is dependant on how fast we can gain approval the patch is compliant with Steam. If that approval does not come quick enough the release will slip to the Monday (28th) of the week after (as it is a red day in Sweden on Friday next week and we don't release patches at the end of working weeks). This does mean that SPECACT kits will not be available after patching as we had hoped but all other fixes remain as does the ability to play the new modes like Map Pack #3. " Source E: STILL NO UPDATE Bazajaytee on Twitter: "There will be no PC patch this week, Kalms is on the case. This pushes our release to Monday next week as long as all goes well with QA/Steam "
  23. I know its not up to me to decide, put we really need admins there. ASAP.
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