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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Seems neat. We'll see how it turns out.
  2. Happy birthday, hope you'll have a fun day!
  3. Nobana


    Not that it matters, but I mute players too if they keep yealling at each other through mic. It aint fun for no one when two guys keep calling each others an asshole, motherfucker, etc. You get the point. Awesome, and not so awesome. The big fat lady is Finnish and she got her 15 minutes of fame in Finland, quite lot of it too.
  4. 16 See Danni? Its perfectly fine.
  5. Took the dogs out for a swim again to the swimming place dedicated to dogs. When Minni(8 years) gets in to the water, she gets 5 years younger, full of energy. WE ARE SINKING! ABANDON SHIP! Puppy was too afraid to swim yeat, there was other dogs too so that might affected. Just sum swimming and fetching sticks.
  6. What about people you dont know? Girl next door...? Just a suggestion, think about it.
  7. Last updated, 26.2.2011 Yeah, the original surf server map thread is in admin section, so people cant comment. REMOVAL LIST: #1, surf_bathroom_final Always nearly empty, had a lot of complains about it, and it really aint even fun, nor can you even call it a surf map. Needs to be removed ASAP. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDING LIST: #1 surf_lost_civilization Seems fun, definately worth trying. http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/154198
  8. It's "debating" dumbass See what I mean!? None of you guys can do better(no offense)!
  9. I like being the fucked up guy. Gives me some sort of credit.
  10. Yea, its in admin section.
  11. SURF SERVER MAPS So. Maps. We all like maps, dont we? Some people like different maps than others. But let me give you few examples about maps that nobody likes. Removal list: #1 mg_buses_from_hell Yes, its good for events and such but it sure aint fun elsewhere. Mostly only kids vote it coss the name sounds fun and they want to drive the buses. #2 mg_bear_attack_hard Same reason + that it sucks. Have you ever played this map when 25 players on server? I have, and god it is annoying. Boring, you just shoot NPC bears that cant kill you when enough players. #3 mg_smash_cannons I might add new maps to the list, so pay attention. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adding list: All these are not suppose to be added separately, but to replace 2 other DR maps. Map #1, deathrun_trilogy Used to be in the server, like a year back or so. Good map. Map #2, deathrun_tp_dissolution Same as there, used to be in the server a year back, good map. Both of these are better than few current DR maps on my opinion. Map #3, mg_fun_multimods There is many multigame maps in the server, but few of them suck. So, this is somehow different, includes different types of modes, not like some maps which contain 10 maps where only difference is the gun you use. Pictures of all modes in here.
  12. Error, you have the power to ninja Clavus's thread! DO IT, REVENGE US!
  14. His fucking awesome at depating. VOTE YES ON ACT 4! I wish you get admin.
  15. You have 3 Halo novels. I've been planning of buying them for a quite some time now, are they any good(retoric question, they are Halo books = they are awesome).
  16. E: FUCKING CHIKEN! You ninja!
  17. *COUGH* E: I got ninja'd by Chiken
  18. You got it the wrong way around.
  19. I hope you got my present. E: Have a nice b-day!
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