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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. If you didn't have the pillar to the right it would be better. Maybe if one of the moons was lighting up in the top right corner? I'm shocked. I had no idea that they had such horrible subliminal messages in this game. Source Proof
  2. EmRA I do browse the forums, I just don't post as much Thanks guys
  3. I feel the same way, and my gameplay has been very quest-focused (to avoid meeting dragons all the time. I can't wait to get a "1/5 dragons" mod).
  4. 94 hours now
  5. I'm nut buying any other house until I can afford the house in Solitude. No snowy cities for me. Markarth is a city build into a mountain. No snow, and natural dragon protection Moving my shit over is taking ages though... 20+ dragons worth of bones. How far away from the entrance to the city is it? That's one requirement I have for my homes, they have to be easily accessible during quests, no long walks.
  6. Exactly one week after Skyrim came out I had 72 hours played. I think this classifies as an addiction.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Dr. Pannenkoek
    3. Damien


      about 25 hours here. i got school and that takes quite some time. :S

    4. VMR


      I've got school as well. Somehow managed to squeeze some extra hours into the weekend.

  7. Happy birthday, bro.

  9. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115079
  10. Student is an occupation though. Sexy photo.
  11. In which army can you get a multimillion dollar airplane without the basic equipment needed to stay in the air for over 1 minutes installed?
  12. Speaking of codes... Source
  13. Why would you do this?
  14. VMR

    CSS Rules

    Yup. I've started drugging jailcampers recently, works great.
  15. Bought it yesterday, this game is really cool. Anyone got a tutorial/tips on how to play Monk efficiently?
  16. VMR

    Favourite Quotes

  17. I looked at Totalhalibut's "WTF IS:" of this game, and I really liked the gameplay. I love tower defence games, and it's good to see a TD game that's not based on Flash. I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy it when I get the money, the only downside is that I don't know if a lot of my friends share my enthusiasm for tower defence games....
  18. Navo usuk
  19. Happy birthday
  20. Battlefield 3 is not supposed to be realistic. Its a game. By less efficent I meant less efficent in terms of accuracy and damage. Making a silencer to a game and only giving it drawbacks would be, if anything, unnecessary. There's not only drawbacks, you've got a HUGE advantage. No muzzleflare, and less sound. It doesn't say that it has counter-alien-GPS-spotting-technology in it.
  21. Nope. https://twitter.com/#!/crash7800/status/126002039166738432
  22. Well, we could play his game by starting a new topic called "R.I.P. TechnoNegro" and make fun of him. Someone would have to kill him first...
  23. Just because you dont look at the minimap, it doesnt mean that others wont look at it either. He was talking about looking at the minimap when under fire. As already pointed out to you (third time charm!), seeing where the action is at can be useful for those who like to listen to music while playing/talking with friends/don't own good enough audio devices. Why do they have to add unrealistic and unnecessary aids to help the people with a less efficient playstyle? If you don't want to hear anything when you go to war, fine, but don't complain that you can't hear where people are shooting from.
  24. Showing up on the minimap when shooting really pissed me off. Please explain to me why you guys think it should be in the game, because I can see no reason for it, except that some people like to play with their game muted while listening to music. @Navo sorry, but that statement is retarded. Please link me a video of what you consider a good recon player.
  25. Still no word on ghillie suits.....
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