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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. The surf server definitely needs more maps. I'm concerned this one might be a bit too complex... Can you upload it somewhere, so we can test it?
  2. http://bbq.to/wallpaper-2558_7750.jpg
  3. Keepin' it clean. Dat background.
  4. LOL Thats true, i just thought id be able to help the server cos there's hardly any admins on, and then when hackers come on, theres no admins to stop it. Your kidding right? How often do you think I'm online, roughly 5-6 hours a day normally? That 7 times a week = a full time job. But yeh, hardly ever... This. The players on other servers than CSS need to get better at throwing complaints and reports this way. Remember that we're working to help you all get a better experience, but we can't see it all. Being active and caring is a good way to earn recognition in the community, too.
  5. Demanded two cheap ass monitors to replace my old, bad one. Sorta wished for a new phone, since my Desire HD keeps shutting off every time I get phonecalls etc. Got two BenQ XL2410 Gaming Monitor(s), and a samsung galaxy note. Also got an awesome new jacket and some more clothes ... and beer Merry Christmas, everyone! <3
  6. If I had a Green-Coin every time the owner of this site said "Fag", I'd be a rich man. Could you please link me to a picture or a video proving that Corby is abusing his admin powers?
  7. That video was so disturbing :| 3/10
  8. Seems you're right. We do have the option of manually changing the players teams though, so we can balance the teams manually. Just be aware that (at least in CSS) changing the players in the middle of a game won't change their skin.
  9. If I get it for christmas, I'm up for it. If I don't, I'll probably buy it sometime after christmas, depending on what changes they do to it. Edit: That commercial is so gold. Love it.
  10. What program are you drawing in? If you spent another ~4 hours on that, it would be a real masterpiece!
  11. We've got that in CSS
  12. VMR

    Admin & Player

    Got to give you a quality-point for that one. Infected Wars was the best when it comes to admin abusing.
  13. Well what was the key? Was it one of those you can make with BitLocker?
  14. It says encrypt all the time. Can it also decrypt? Yeah. I'm sorry, I completely misunderstood the question. If you've encrypted it with a weak password, you're fucked. You could always try to brute-force it, but with a decent password it would take ages.
  15. How can you say that it was a win when your team LOST? Not playing the objective is a fail.
  16. Truecrypt?
  17. VMR

    Watch out Kids!

    As a person with a week of experience I can tell you that it's not that much of a difference.
  18. It's actually worse in the UK. I can confirm. You should go to Bergen

    YWA JUST PASSED 100.000 !!!


  20. The dragon in the background?
  21. Ysolda what are you doing?? I love you!
  22. If only I had a job...
  23. 5/10 What would you rate him? <3
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