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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. We already have a Mumble server. Join mumble.left4green.com
  2. You forget the security part though. IRC network/servers get DDoS'ed relatively often. I've heard about this, but I can't figure out why? Why does owning an IRC network make you a target? I think we should stay on gtanet. Any problems they have, you'll most likely have in the future. I don't think anyone will notice the change but you guys, who will have more work. I suggest sending a friendly e-mail asking what the troubble is all about to the owners of gtanet. (if you haven't already)
  3. Few maps from BF2 will be in BF3 like Gulf of Oman and karkand. I think what he ment was that he hopes that the conquest maps will have more cap points. Instead of A-B-C, maybe A-B-C-D-E-F or something
  4. Can't you juse resize them in photoshop?
  5. Happy birthday, Tom +1 for keeping Tom's face as the official Mr Green background image
  6. Happy birthday

  7. I'm off in exactly 3 hours. Going to spain for 2 weeks. Then I'm flying back to Norway, sleeping here one or two nights, then I'm off to Italy for 9 days. Was that too late?
  8. You say it like PCs never get overheated or crash. I've had to change my PS3 2 times because it was overheating and crashing. I followed every tip there is to follow on the PS3, it had lots of space and all that. Could be anything. Your room could be dusty or moisture, for example. In Norway the air is very dry, the living room was no exception. And I was living with my mom, who cleaned the house at least once a week. I doubt it was either dust or moisture.
  9. Your new forum picture is extremely creepy :P

  10. You say it like PCs never get overheated or crash. I've had to change my PS3 2 times because it was overheating and crashing. I followed every tip there is to follow on the PS3, it had lots of space and all that.
  11. The TF2 server is serious enough as it is imo
  12. power rangers?
  13. R.I.P :<
  14. LulzSec sucks.

  15. Can't any of the dates. Why not have one during spring break 2012?
  16. Alright
  17. Hey!
  18. If you've already gotten access to the whole server, why push the limits? I mean what more can you learn from this? If it's not your intent to get anything out of this (except from experience), then your job is done, right?
  19. Mainly your reason why to hack us. Good point out there. Like. Dude get your post count up some other time.
  20. Same here. I got a GTX 285, and I can play almost any game with all settings on high (or ultra/very high). The only thing I'll upgrade for is BF3 (<3)
  21. Hadn't seen the last one Awesome
  22. VMR

    E3 2011

    Why is my name highlit Cuz you so sexy :3
  23. VMR

    E3 2011

  24. If you'd just read
  25. Definately buying it, but I need it on steam. Does anyone know why the pre-order hasn't been released on Steam yet?
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