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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. I'd recommend GW2 to anyone that are into longer periods of gaming (>45 minutes at a time) and that enjoys playing with friends. Thankfully 90% of us do. I can't wait to see you all in Tyria
  2. I will probably just use my alias with an unoriginal title in the front.
  3. I can tell from personal experience swearing is not as satisfying when it's all blocked out.
  4. What areas will you want to contribute in? Create graphical profiles for stuffs. What areas would you mentor in? All of em' If applicable, what style do you typically do? I do simple Illustrator shit. And stuff. Would you like to be a project leader? No. Contact details: (i.e. Skype and / or Steam name) Skype - Don't remember Steam - You already have me added on steam, don't be silly Anything else relevant? I'm good at criticizing. You can ask me if you want constructive criticism. Or designs.
    1. TechnoNegro


      Is that made by you?

    2. VMR


      Sadly, no. It just cheered me up on an otherwise depressing day.

  5. One of the best posts I've read this week.
  6. Depending on the particle effects in future versions I might play a Sylvari elementalist as my main character. It's what I really want to play, but I can't play a tree-based character casting fire
  7. I'll be playing a Sylvari Ranger, a Human Guardian, and a Norn/Human Elementalist. My main character will depend on which class I enjoy the most after the betas, I guess.
  8. I'm preordering the day it comes out. Also, it's worth noting that they haven't announced the next beta yet. Might only be two days in september and november, then a release in December. Don't get your hopes up, guys. We will take part of >1 beta tests thoug, that has been confirmed.
  9. Yeah
  10. It's hard to try to understand a situation with just a few sentences of input. I don't know the relationship you guys have, but I know from experience that if you have a grudge on a player it doesn't take much to get really angry with them. Kicking a person trolling or annoying you on purpose isn't really abusive behavior if you ask me. Keep in mind kicking is a very mild punishment. E: The post didn't have a point I don't blame NPhect for doing what he did, but I don't exactly support it either. This thread alone won't change a thing, but if you present 'evidence' like this frequently it might do.
  11. You're missing out.
  12. I've got a good eye for graphical design. I could maybe help out by criticizing and/or give ideas for design. Software-wise I'm not that good in Photoshop, but I know Illustrator pretty well. Logos, design manuals and colors tend to be my thing.
  13. Oh, you have asked everyone else about their opinion? I could do a survey among all the people who used to surf at Mrgreen whether they'd like 33tick more than 66tick, and I'd guess the amount that voted for 33tick would be higher than the current amount of different players the server has in a day. You do that, by all means.
  14. Nobana and Goldon Fleeman (aka. Reap3r) and maybe a few others want 33 tick, everyone else wants to keep it at 66.
  15. Happy birthday, hottie
  16. Why do you guys always insist in a change for worse? I have yet to see one good argument for why the server should be 33 tick, except for "It's too easy for me!" As for the players opinions you could just read the chat log.
  17. It's not about making it as challenging as possible, it's about making it welcoming as well as challenging on certain maps. Yes, some maps may be a little bit easier, but the majority of maps are designed for 66 tickrate and 100 airaccelerate. Playing at 33 tickrate doesn't only make it harder to surf, it also makes it less responsive, and some maps are simply impossible to surf on. We'd also have to go through every map in the map rotation and remove the ones that don't work with 33 tickrate. Not to mention 70% of the current regulars would leave. I've gotten a lot of complaints the last couple of days. I, for one, am not up for the job of cleaning up the mapcycle after a change I don't even like to begin with.
  18. The reason I don't like it is beacuse weapons and jumping doesn't work the way it's supposed to, keys don't register when you press them rapidly etc. nerfing the engine to fit the map just means the map is poorly designed. I'd like to see another solution for this problem (making the surf mechanics work as if the tickrate was 33, but keeping it at 66)
  19. 33 rickrate sucks. It's like playing at 30 fps, compared to >60
  20. VMR

    Hello there, good looking one!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EmRA


      they are evolving..

    3. VMR


      They're basically making their servers airborne, which makes them a lot harder to find and a lot harder to shut down. They can have a million of these up at any time, because the whole site can run on machines as simple as the Raspberry Pi.

      They're moving towards immortality.

    4. Mayco


      Doesn't sound very realistic. It's not easy to maintain a proper connection at that altitude, let alone process the huge amount of requests TPB gets on hardware like the Raspberry Pi.

      Nontheless I'd love to see it happen.

  21. Happy birthday, man
  22. It's how everyone seems to be thinking these days...
  23. I don't think CQ is that bad for DLC, just not to my favorite. It's good that they make varied content. We're still getting Armored Kill and whatever End Game is going to be. Where are the bugfixes? From what I've heard the community is screaming for help, but EA just wants to release new DLCs so they can make more money.
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