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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Me too, I'll be out tonight
  2. I probably won't be able to be there. Sucks , was looking forward to this
  3. I could be a reserve admin, I guess. I'm not the best TF2 player, but I can follow orders.
  4. Don't you mean like 99% of all games? EA keeps dissapointing...
  5. Realism is not the target, I'm using the alien technology as an excuse to put some crazy stuff in there. In the long run weapons should get stuff like attachments and upgrades. I'm not talking about real as in 'make it look like existing weapons'. Some of the weapons has a reload time slightly longer than the animation, some has sounds that don't match, some have bad animations etc. I don't know how hard it is to do though...
  6. Is it possible to try to configure the weapons after they've been made with the SWEP Construction Kit? I think it's important that the weapons look and feel as real as possible in a gamemode based on getting diffrent weapons...
  7. This guy sais he likes A Serbian Film, can't you guys tell it's a fucking troll?! anyway, watch Shutter Island, Donnie Darko, The Fountain, Black Dynamite, Fight Club, Oldboy and Pulp Fiction. That is my must watch list. Got about 750 gigabyte of movies (all legally purchased, ofc) on my HDD, could make a longer list, but it would take some time and effort. E: The fountain ain't that great, but it's philosophical, which I like. All the other ones are really great movies. They all have >8 on IMDB, except for Black Dynamite and The Fountain.
  8. No release date yet, please! Work with it untill you consider it done, then give it 2 more months. This has to be awesome.
  9. It's about Stanley. You don't need to know anything more than that. Just play the game.
  10. It's about Stanley.
  11. You don't need HL2
  12. Found it. First try.
  13. VMR


    Halden fengsel
  14. VMR


    Keep that shit to yourself.
  15. VMR


    I saw a picture of some arabian guys twitter (I was just assuming he was from Al-Quaida) where he said that we'll just have to wait, because they've got lots more to come etc.
  16. VMR


    A big part of his manifesto is written by one the earlier right-wing extremists that inspired him a lot. I don't remember his name, but it shouldn't be hard to find his name if you look for it. He is very intelligent, but he is also a psychopath (he has no feeling of empathy). His goal was never to kill as many as possible, the terror attack was just to stir up the media as much as possible and to bring attention to his manifesto. And he did it perfectly. People all over the whole world are reading it now. He is using the media to spread propaganda, his attacks were just to get the medias attention.
  17. VMR


    The highest jail sentence is 21 years, but they can hold him for as long as they need if he is considered a threat of if it's dangerous for him to go outside.
  18. VMR


    He's fine.
  19. VMR

    Happy birthday :)

  20. VMR

    Heaven is nearby

    Please, make it solid like the old one :< The only cool thing about it is that you get bugs like this
  21. i have a serious distaste to capital letters, brought on from years of hating them, and now refuse to use them. if my writing is illegible without them, i will try to make a concerted effort to put them into all my future posts. as stated in one of my administrator applications, anyway that i can improve myself, as said to me by the community, i'll try to do. You seem to randomly place a whole lot of commas in your sentences. You should use more periods and structure your text more, because it's really heavy to read and it looks like it has been written by a child.
  22. VMR

    Heaven is nearby

    Great, cool I just noticed you changed the banner aswell
  23. Going to move to another room in a few days. Will post pics.
  24. My brain.... >.<
  25. VMR


    You clearly don't understand. At all. To everyone bashing on Yoshi, fuck off. This goes so much deeper than just normal depression. As far as your problems go, I suggest stopping the ritalin. You might as well stop it at an early age, and I think it will get easier to get back to a normal life if you do. I think it will also be easier to get better treatment if you're off the drugs. I have never seen drugs making people better, it's just postponing the real problem. Your goal is to get better, not to feel better temporarily, right? But of couse, every tip from TinyDancer weighs a thousand times more than any tip from me (and most of the other people in here) On topic: like to think that suicide is for the weak myself, but that is mainly just to keep my own thoughts away from it.
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