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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. I am going to wait till good enough version to play. Where you come with your characters. Or at least where it can be a co-op game. Won't happen. They'd have to redesign the whole game. It will probably always be a buggy character port, but if they do a good job it might still be fun exploring.
  2. South park.
  3. VMR


    I'm a very big fan of house. I enjoy deep house on good speakers/headphones, it's just so damn relaxing and mind-opening.
  4. VMR


    I'm all for making the people in charge pay for their 'crimes', because I do truly believe that none of the past month of the "internet-wars" have been totally legit. The thing is that that needs to be taken care of by the professionals. They need to collect data, and do a real job. Don't run around acting like a skiddie getting the authorities all up in your shit because you think you're 1337 and part of a supercool underground gang of hackers.
  5. VMR


    Well he ain't really anonymous in here anyway... And using LOIC or HOIC he's standing out more than anyone.
  6. VMR


    If you're actually using that shit you deserve a slap to the face
  7. VMR


    Not really SOPA related, but highly related to internet freedom. We might get more freedom here in Europe. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/24/technology/europe-weighs-a-tough-law-on-online-privacy-and-user-data.html?_r=1
  8. Sauce please? I've heard nothing of this.... The rest of the things you said are all things that has been happening ever since the industrial revolution, you're just being paranoid. The only thing I've noticed lately is that the US is controlling their people and the media like crazy, but I think that's just because they're afraid of a civil war (which they deserve, because the justice system in the US sucks).
  9. Durr we are legion lol we gonna hack u!! xD
  10. VMR


    Lamar Smith strikes again! http://www.slashgear.com/sopa-sponsor-has-another-internet-bill-that-records-you-247-20210264/
  11. They made tons of money by allowing users to download other users content faster by paying for a premium account. It's not Megauploads fault people upload pirated stuff. Youtube does the same thing. Would it be illegal if youtube offered us faster buffering speeds on their videos (some of which are from pirated movies etc.) ?
  12. I didn't see any sign of that in the article I read, it just said that they made like 500 million in 2011. Which makes sense, because in the same article it said that it is was the 13th biggest site on the internet
  13. I don't get how they can do this. This calls out conspiracy a long way. First approve of the NDAA, then take control of the media in the country. I'm just hoping for a revolution.
  14. VMR


    How the hell did SOPA and PIPA get this far in the first place
  15. 8/10 I like how minimalistic it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7c7GHUUhfU Make sure to watch the whole thing...
  16. VMR


    Wow, great job. It looks awesome!

    I still love you!

  18. VMR

    TPB is going down?

    That's like saying we all support freedom of speech just so that we can can say fuck off to others. A free, uncensored internet is one of the most important things to maintain in today's society.
  19. Download link, please.
  20. Use logic sense and MSE. Things like noscript will make your internet-browsing incredibly more safe. The only downthing is that you have to whitelist sites before they can use any scrips (which will make 90% of the web look like shit the first time you use it).
  21. Let us be able to image-tag steam screenshots.
  22. What I'd like to see is a spawn that looks more like surf_greatriver's (v4) and with surf_superk's weapon system instead of the one you currently use. Only pistols in spawn, no gun spawns, and you need to surf well to get various weapons. I'd like for the surfing ramps to be a bit smaller, and more "connected" to each other. If you're going to put them far away, you need to make it obvious for the person surfing where to go, and easy to get there, and maybe add some places that will be very hard to get to and require good mastering of the maps and speed boosters to get to.
  23. Too hard to get out of spawn (What is that all about?) Why the water outside spawn? You're not given ammo for the guns Everything is a tad too big Took me 4 minutes to get out of spawn, then I died right after from falling down at the jail, then spent another 3 minutes trying to get out of spawn before I ragequit So, sorry, but I do not approve of this map
  24. An easier way to load older shoutbox shouts Show post-count in threads (don't know if you removed this on purpose, can see arguments for and against it) Have a vote down button that doesn't decrease your reputation, but it will show your post as a negatively-voted one, like Give VMR moderator status Make use of calendar events
  25. VMR


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