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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Remind me again, why are we playing on Ring of Fire? I've got a massive ping, which seems to be about 200-300. It makes fights suck, because there's most of the time a .4 second delay on everything, and when it gets bad it's up at 2 seconds. Jumping puzzles are extremely annoying, as the lagg is the sole reason why I fail many of them. Using jumping ability when the road is clear only to see the ability flashing for a second before activating, making me miss the open timeframe is REALLY annoying. Been going at a simple jumping puzzle for like 20 minutes now.
  2. Now I just need someone to gift me CS:GO
  3. I think a normal competitive CS:GO server would be awesome, since CS:GO is all about the competitive scene. I would love to have a server where I could meet people, practice and build a team, and I think a lot of people share that excitement with me. e: and 15 round CS:GO is fun for everyone, anyway. I thought they were doing OK?
  4. They still have a lot of stuff to change, which is really disappointing. I was sure they'd get it right. It will be excellent soon enough, though
  5. A derailing topic is actually solely the fault of the people derailing it. This is a topic for new community members to get a chance to introduce themselves, not for... whatever has been going on for the last few pages.
  6. I love the lighting and the colors in your room. Nice and clean cable management too
  7. Maybe itd be a good idea to leave your personal story till when youre a higher level, so you dont have to worry about it cause itd downgrade you to be right? I think im gonna do that - I love just exploring the world and dropping into random quests anyway Also - Thinking of all of us in the guild doing a PvP tournament against some people some time next week? Once we all get happy with our classes and get some descent gear (and everyones joined) What you all think? And we'll all focus on WvW when the next tournament starts next month - see what we can do when we split into squads What if I'm very interested in the story? Progression is too slow, in my opinion. I like new places, and I like exploring, but when I come to a new area it only takes a few minutes to get the full experience, and then you can move on. What happens, though, is that you come to a new area, and you have to do all the hearts in order to be high enough level to survive the next area. To be honest questing in WoW is in many ways more immersive than GW2. In WoW you find people in need of a service, and you're let in on a story. You find out that the daughter of X has been kidnapped or something, and you have to do this and that to rescue her. Sure, it's the same, but I felt more like I was actually helping out a person. In GW2 you just walk around and find people that stand still while being attacked, or walk around while being attacked, and you have to kill the stuff trying to kill that person. When you're done they say "Thanks", and you move on to the next person in need of help 10 meters away. I think that what I would like to see in GW2 is a bit more thought behind each heart, or random event. Some random events just feel amazing. You find a fort, and see that it's being attacked by huge monsters, and you help the people out and secure their fort. The problem is that in 85% of the cases, it feels really poorly designed and not very thought through. When I walk into a new area, this is what I see. Who needs this done? I haven't talked to anyone, I haven't even seen anything that would indicate that there are imps in the area. There is no reason why I should go killing those imps, except that it gives me some XP because it sais so in a box in the upper-right corner of my UI. In WoW you come into a new area, and you're introduced to the people living there. You find people who are looking for someone to do some dirty-work for them, and they ask you if you can kill something or collect something for them and that you would get X as a reward. You do this, you get your reward and you move on.
  8. There's no immersion in GW2 though. I feared this was how it was going to turn out when I was playing the betas. The tempo of which you follow your personal story makes no sense at all. An imporant person in your main base asks if you can go check on a squad, and it's all cool. The quest sais level 11. (Every part of your personal story has a recommended level) When you reach the person you were to check on, you see that only the servant is alive, and you help the servant fight off some bad-guys before you ask him what happened. He tells you that the person you were looking for disappeared a short while ago, and that you should meet up on the road nearby. It's like 100 meters away. The next part of the quest (meeting up with the servant to go look for the guy you were initially looking for) would seem like a thing you would do right away, because when people go missing dangerous things can happen. It's also REALLY close, and it's not like you'll gain any experience whatsoever going over there, yet the recommended level for that next part is 14. It takes like 1-2 hours just to get up to that level. I hate that I can't even follow simple instructions in the personal storyline, because it only takes 1 minute before you're vastly under-leveled.
  9. I'm on Ring of fire right now.
  10. I hear you dude, PvE server is Magus Falls. Hmmm I will be active at night mainly seeing as me second year of Diploma starts on the 10th so I will be fairly busy with that, contact Minky for further information if you're interested. Magus Falls doesn't exist. We will most likely be playing on Ring of Fire.
  11. That is true! [even tho I dont really give a shit ] Well, you've been between boys for too long :/. Grammarlol'd.Back on topic, guys.
  12. VMR

    NECROSSINs bday

    Happy bithday, man
  13. I'll probably join up with you guys. Nice, what race will you be? Just so I know to wait for you or not I'll be playing as a Sylvari.
  14. I'll probably join up with you guys.
  15. Uhh, all beta characters are deleted before launch anyway. This means I am poor once again... :/ If you bought any gems or anything you will get them back at launch, but it won't give you items. I'll most likely be buying re-skins for my armor or something once the games come out. I bought 800 gems from the gemstore.
  16. Uhh, all beta characters are deleted before launch anyway.
  17. Time to get this thread back on track. I'll start by introducing my dear gaming-companion, Mr Fly. 1. Real name and age? Mr. Fly. I am 2 years and 2 months of age. 2. Where do you live? On VMR's desk 3. Previous experince with communities and boards? none 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) No job, no school, no parents, no rules. 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? (looking forward to that one, lol ) Made, Of, Metal 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? I eat your leftovers
  18. It sounds awesome. I love that they are making the police more realistic.
  19. Got my mouse DPI set at 800, and I play with 1.8 sensitivity in all source games.
  20. Using the Mr Green smiley. Spreadin' the word.
  21. Great, friendly guy, and he's been around for ages. Good luck to you
  22. If you pre-purchased you will get access the 25th of August at 00:00 GMT-7
  23. Which servers we chose don't really matter that much though, you can 'visit' other servers for free. The only think your home world affects is WvWvW.
  24. The final worlds were released on GW2s blog today. Seeing as Magnus Falls won't be there in the final game, which server are we now playing on? Post
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