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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. About FPS lag, just use Source Recorder. It's better, it has amazing quality, and you can set your details to HIGHEST and control the FPS, it takes small amounts of space. Quick guide, (ALL DONE IN CONSOLE): record demoname, stop, EXIT THE GAME YOU ARE CURRENTLY IN. Set all your details to high and type 'host_framerate 30'. This sets your FPS to 30, the best. startmovie moviename avi, Select XVid Codec in the small window, playdemo demoname (The console will play the demo extremely laggy and without sound, but that's the way it's supposed to be.) The demo will finish eventually, after that type endmovie. The movie will appear all neat and dandy in your garry's mod folder. (x\games\steam\steamapps\guy\garrysmod) It's already the highest quality there is and ready to be uploaded into Youtube, but, to make it smaller and gain even HIGHER quality, you should go to a movie making program such as Sony Vegas. Here's a small video of my own, a demonstration of what Source Recorder's quality would look like (Watch it in HD): Ontopic, your videos are great, bro, keep it up.
  2. Then the damage would be times five. That's still a lot. And why is this in admin applications?
  3. [quote name='Toaster' date='21 June 2010 - 05:03' timestamp='1277085836' post='43504' The armor bug he was talking about is a real bug. It makes the behemoth rocket do twice as much damage as it should, therefore killing the victim in one hit. Wrong. The armor bug isn't real, I don't think it ever was. The Behemoth's Rocket Launcher's damage is scaled by the amount of humans on the server currently. Two zombies, one Behemoth, twenty humans equals, well, the damage is times twenty, I guess. I'm kind of tired of people whining about how it's a 'bug' just out a rage. However, yes, CJA is a well-known player.
  4. No, I'm suggesting KNIVES that create EXPLOSIONS. SMALL ONES. http://media.giantbo...sives_super.png
  5. Gameserver: Mr. Green Team Fortress 2. Age: 16. Country of origin: Israel. Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dotboy Link to Xfire profile **: http://www.xfire.com...file/silverdot/. Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Determination, confidence, kindness and activity. These are the four things that I believe an administrator should have. I am proud to have all these things, even if I didn't really have them before. I'm fairly active on IRC as well as Infected Wars..maybe ZS a bit (I promise to improve my activity there, just gotta finish some IRL shit.), if you don't believe me, you can check my steam profile. I've played Garry's Mod for about 1,000 hours, at least 1/3 of those hours went into Mr.Green. The Infected Wars profile hours may not say that, because it says 70 hours. It used to be 300 or something like that, but it was wiped for some reason, along with all my stats, same thing happed with Zombie Survival. I changed the application for TF2, since I like it there a bit better and it's less buggy, etc. I also think that the TF2 admin team needs a bit more support, but note that I won't be inactive on Garry's Mod..if I can get this lag fixed. I know I'm not as active on TF2 as I used to be, recently I quit TF2 due to major shitty graphics, but since that's fixed I'm back. I'm also pretty sure that I was playing on Mr.Green before the stats were added, but honestly, I have no clue. I know this is my second application, I understand why I was denied last time. Please consider this application. Cheers, Silver Dot. E: For some reason the steam community thing is an error when you open it. Remove the period at the end.
  6. That's good to know, good luck with that. But, as I said before, it's just a bit of a creative, suggestive request. I've talked with a few people, they said they like it. Also, I said SMALL explosions.
  7. Giving this a bump and I wanted to discuss a new class: Demolitions. I think this class should be added for humans AND zombies. The class can have several magnificent and interesting weapons: Normal: The standard Knife and Grenade. (Not so standard for zombies.) Proximity/Hopper mine. (Hopper for zombies, reduced damage on both, obviously.) Overdrive can contain this instead of the P/H mines: Pistol that shoots weak rockets, however in a big quantity. (Ever played Star Wars Battlefront II? As CIS? As Magnagaurd? The 'Bulldog' is similar to this.) Master can have the standard things, the only exception is that the knife does slightly more damage as well as create small explosions with a small radius. Alternate can have...I honestly don't know. Achievements for overdrive: Get five kills in one round with the proximity/hopper mine. Get fifty kills total. Achievements for master: Get a double kill with the Rocket-Pistol. Kill three players with grenades in one round.
  8. Amazing and epic, who made it?
  9. This is going to be a major failure. I can smell it.
  10. Sir, I believe you failed miserably.
  11. Sign me up for mapping gogogogo
  12. I never ever saw this in my 2 years of inactively playing IW.
  13. Bro...yyou should get paid for this.
  14. Good luck, brah.
  15. Should cost WAY less, like 1500. Btw, Ammo Bath.
  16. i missed it. /wrist.
  17. I just got the message, removed him.
  18. This is off until we get a server, sorry.
  19. Bump, there will be a problem. We can't find a server so until then the game is delayed.
  20. BAMP and I have an idea for an achievement. A taste of your own medicine - Kill a stalker with a knife. This isn't my idea, really, there was a guy on IW that thought it up, but I don't remember his name, let him claim his ownership.
  21. Fine, let this thread die for now, if anyone of us gets hacked, we shall bump this shit.
  22. An amazing job once again, Stelk, as always. Zombie Survival Mappers require a lot of skill on placing objects, getting the theme right, displacements, props, textures, decals and such, to make it look suitable for a ZS map, so that's why.
  23. Anyways, stop randomly shitposting here, you know who you people are, this isn't a topic for trolls and such. If anyone of you get proof of any admin/member of the honorable L4G community, post it here, keep this thread alive for people to notice it and save their accounts.
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