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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. Ours are worse and don't grow either.
  2. Flying island basement is up, now we just need players who don't have constant rad pool parties and start do some digging...
  3. Still Aavemursu.
  4. Why should it be completely spherical? It doesn't look that much like an island then.
  5. You just have to be a trustworthy and smart (hah) person who is generally accepted by the other members. Greenies get in automatically, having met the pre-requisites already.
  6. Metro system inside the floating island.
  7. Could you put the list to OP?
  8. Nothing that hard, it can be just a hollow dirt island, where the inside can be inhabited too. Just waste some greencoins to get the dirt and make Clavus happy and we can have it up in half an hour.
  9. As I said, we had one back in map 12. They're really not that hard to make and if we build it high enough it's really impregnable.
  10. I'm still voting for the flying city for safety reasons. Anyone can just enderpearl himself inside a town, and towers are dull.
  11. joostvanderplas ...How on Earth did I not know that...
  12. Hang on. Navo, what's your minecraft nick?
  13. Denied. We're not a serious faction.
  14. NOOOOOO NOT 22:00 I'm normally wasted by then D: Aren't you, like, 15? Wasted at thursday?
  15. We could make a flying town alá Mungol base (The Empyrean circus) #2, Map #12.
  16. You know me well.
  17. Ah, I personally enjoy flying bases. They're a pain in the ass to make though.
  18. It is. The server is faction wars. Saying that the stuff should be about building would be like going to ZS thread and telling them that only speaking about sandbox is fine. Besides, your opinion in minecraft seems to be rather... Biased. I mean, what's with the minecrap minecraft anyways? Are you supposed to be clever? Are you trying to express your opinion? Do you only post to threads about game that you don't play and genuinely don't seem to like just to get attention or what is it? I don't care about you enlarging parts of people's text or giving us how many percents of your posts are topic-derailing minecraft hate. These threads are allowed, they are integral part of the server and its goals and the goal people playing there aspire to. Your remarks bring no content to these threads, they are not about the subject and they're generally nothing more than empty whining. Do yourself a favour and stop. We come here to discuss and ejoy our games, and you should do the same.
  19. I have the greatest idea. We shall live in a giant cactus.
  20. Every single post one can see from your account page is minecraft hatedom. I've never seen you post anything else.
  21. Your postcount would lower dramatically. What would happen if people could only communicate by using lyrics from Yello's Oh yeah?
  22. Yes, we get you hate everything minecraft related because it was cool to do so. You don't need to come to flaunt it in every single thread, we already know your disposition. You could also refer to Clavus' post and Ywa's reputation givings to determinate whether you should continue your inane actions.
  23. Hey, don't worry if you don't trust them.You can trust me. Don't worry, got no problems with you.
  24. I'm starting to doubt my joining. There are people in the current faction I am not willing to be with due to trust and other issues.
  25. We don't come to whine to your MTA threads. Why should you care?
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