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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. Hm, seems that he left after the map change. But thanks for listening anyway.
  2. So, basically, my pal asked to check out the arena server because of this hacker. He's using speedhacks and his IP is STEAM_0:1:29815148 1:20:42 86 0 active His IGN name is PC Gamer | DANGER | ÇAŮTÝON , so- would anyone mind to ban this? The log; PC Gamer | DANGER | ÇAŮTÝON killed GeeG with flamethrower. (crit) PC Gamer | DANGER | ÇAŮTÝON killed dark1thought with flamethrower. (crit) PC Gamer | DANGER | ÇAŮTÝON killed hunt with flamethrower. (crit) [iNFO] Check our forums at www.left4green.com ! PC Gamer | DANGER | ÇAŮTÝON killed Slick with flamethrower. (crit) PC Gamer | DANGER | ÇAŮTÝON killed gamerul with flamethrower. PC Gamer | DANGER | ÇAŮTÝON killed Wafers With Mustard with flamethrower. . And that's all in matter of a round. You can go check it by yourself, but I think you belive me. So would you mind to ban this dirty hacker? Thanks for listening.
  3. Hm, I think that you should contact someone, Like Ywa or Clavus, Or Deluvas. Have you used any sort of hacks, used foul language or being just rude?
  4. So, does it get fixed or not?
  5. Lemon!

    Admin App

    Too. Many. SMILIES.
  6. Well, for some fixes like that Superiour Medic upgrade, the amount of "Extra" Would be less. If you get a ubercharge in 30 seconds, make it 40-45 seconds.
  7. Yes, If that medic upgrade wouldn't be like 1/2 of the recharge, more like 1.5/4 maybe?
  8. Lemon!

    App Hry

    A troll is a troll. Lock this thread.
  9. Lemon!

    App Hry

    Troolll...Maybe? I can't belive that 23 years old would have this kind of...Err--, I lost the word. ...
  10. Lemon!

    App Hry

    I don't actually know, but isn't this getting DE-RAILED? I said, I WANT A REASON. WHY YOU SHOULD, YOU SHOULD, BECOME AN ADMIN. If you are just "HEY LOOK A COOL RP SERVER I HAS FOUND GET IN WWWW. _ABLABLABALBALL!", then no. We need...Mature-ish people, who just don't come in and say" I WUN BE ADMEEENZ!" Now. Reason.
  11. Lemon!

    App Hry

    Eeee...But what's your reasons to become an admin? I want to know it. We all want to know it. Oh and also, you apply on Fretta/ZS too then. So it isn't only on IW.
  12. Lemon!

    App Hry

    Oh god noo...Dude. I have NEVER seen you. Like...on my 200 hours of playtime. Never, seen, you. And this sure is really...small application. Err...Why exactly you should be chosen?' "I wanna be admin on this server on me brainz are new mode Infected wars are cool and this webside are cool I wanna be Admin for i have Time for this." Is not good at all, not at all. Just because you think IW is cool and this website is cool, it does not tell why YOU Should be Chosen. Please, Try to get more information and all, also. Get more text, also, get yourself more known, Like I said, I have never seen you in Infected wars.
  13. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

  14. Good luck, my friend! Yes, you are a friendly, kind and really helpful, good player. So why not? .
  15. ._. , Get your GC. It's easy as hell. . Oh wat. DUN EES?
  16. Old stuff, maybeh, but those who haven't seen it O_o? Oh and completely old and offtopic;
  17. So. Have you ever watched those "Meet the yelling _______!"'s? They are pretty hilarious, Well, at least they gave me a chuckle. I dunno about you, but I wouldn't mind if you could share a while of your little life and check these out? Unneccesary Yelling is fun, mmkay? The spy one; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVNTVeZ1GtU&feature=related The soldier one; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBJqP2RBgdI&feature=related (EARRAPE at 0.31) The Engineer one; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2N_GBVWzms&feature=related Heavy/Scout - Didn't find them. Yet. Yes, I waste your time. Enjoooy, teehee. While I sleep, you wtf.
  18. Lemon!


    Eee....1+ postcount C:
  19. Haaa, Happy birthdeh .
  20. Lemon!


    Messy as hell.
  21. Dun punch me plox.
  22. WAHZ E FUCK!?
  23. How do ee take a SS of mah backgroonnd?
  24. FAST RELOOADD!!!!!!!!!!!oenoenoenelevelnene
  25. Meh...5/10, I dun just laik it. Sorreh .
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