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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. Lemon!


    NAH -sniper.
  2. Lemon!


    ._., you are piece if shit Sneed/VforVspy.
  3. Lemon!


    Oh, seems fun.
  4. Lemon!


    How does it work? O_o
  5. I know, I never did. But mostly to run around or try to block them and let my fellas shoot the zombies. Only nubs ladder camps. But whatever, I found Medic/Engineer really fun.
  6. Mmm...17m 46s. On No mercy top.
  7. Sure berserker feels foolish now. Well, there went the effort. Altho...20 health each hit was OP. Really. But basically 3 health doesn't make him a berserker. Whatever, I won't complain anymore. Now what class I should choose...Hmmmmmm.
  8. Tip: click inside this box to load the editor
  9. Haven't seen you yet at there tho'. Also, I don't know you. But why YOU should be applied? Tell us that. Good luck anyway.
  10. But you didn't put any maps of yours. So ._.?
  11. Kinda stupid idea. I like playing as sniper, and if there would be a restriction, I wouldn't play. But afterall, if they're good as snipers or spies, it's another thing? I don't understand how it can ruin it. Play better.
  12. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

  13. Hay there maet. How' bout a cup of beer, eh?

  14. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

  15. Oh...Yeah... I see.
  16. Uhh...Killing floor?
  17. Indeed, good ol' ZS :c. I miss those times. Good that the Ammunation is back at least .
  18. Indeed, really small detail. Oh and who are you? Hell, what's with these 1st first posts are always admin applications. YOu know that you need firstly to let us to know you. More activity on forum and shiz and we have more better look of you. Oh and nice Xfire profile, 19 age, eh? Heh. Sorry sorry.
  19. Uhh, thanks? Kinda late reply from me :P

  20. I think Zombie Survival is having Enough amount of Admins. Like...There's like one admin at least when I play. Oh and you can tell them to fix them. I dunno, haaven't seen you in-game yet even.
  21. I spam ohma'god it's christmas as Ellis. It's fun.
  22. Modern warfare 2, clothes, A weird necklace. Looks like what Scout has from Team fortress 2. Dog tag? Tag dog?
  23. Ohmygod it's christmas!
  24. Aw, too bad I couldn't help then. Windowed mode? Updated everything? I dunno anymore D;
  25. It's cause the servers are still overloaded. Or so it happened to me at least when it started to get overloaded. Maybe. I have FPS Problems too nowadays. Wait abit and look if it gets back normal. Of course you can go get CPUboosters that remove all behind applications, defrag your Disks and put them all back to normal. Some skins may lag you, programs may lag you and your computer can overheat. PS; Notice that changing the advanced all to low doesn't help at all.
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