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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. Welcome to Left 4 Green forums, hope you enjoy your time here !
  2. Demomen. Soldiers suck arse.
  3. Heh.
  4. Manufacturer: System manufacturer Processor: AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz Memory: 3072MB RAM Hard Drive: 137 GB Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series .. 4830 of thee theen. Yes, I know. They are pretty low, but they will run Crysis on max setting on about 40-50 fps :/. Ehh. .
  5. Lemon!

    Dan The Man!

    NU JOO CAN'T! Btw, your..Ehm, avatar is pretty kewl. Spy's legs go pretty weird tho o_o.

  7. EmRA, that's true. You can see like 1 week before someone posts one lousy post somewhere :/. Basically, I'd say this is actually one of the most inactive forums I've ever been. Also, EmRA Is awesome at drawing stuff, Screenshotting, Posing etc, so I bet an artist corner would be nice indeed for all of us. Hehe.
  8. ...Me for example, Oi' Mister Dusty? But yeah.
  9. Lemon!

    Dan The Man!

    ...It's spam thread. SPAM! YWA! c'mon! SPAM! Jeez.
  10. Lemon!

    Dan The Man!

  11. Oh...That's...cool :/. Well then, my bad.
  12. Well, unreasonable bans are usually pretty rare, he might've tried something like...Glitching, insulting, not listening, etc? More information would be nice.
  13. Oh, I wtf'd at that picture. Rofl. Go to Mozilla firefox, write Left 4 green and go inside. But anyway...Let's see...Erase everything. Maybe? Don't delete, just put em into trashcan.
  14. Draw a pancake on your paint ....Or...Else D:<
  15. It's portal;ish sound. Not pew sound. O_o. PEWPEWPEW, I ISH CAEK. But anyway, nice piccy over therrrre.
  16. Yeah...After all that they disabled...I dunno. :/. Also, it looks okay, pretty same stuff...Kill, kill, kill. Feels like...But tho', every game is mostly Killing baser, lal? I ment those games where you have guans. And pew pew pew.

    Also, cake 8D

  18. Firstly, what server? If you ment ZS or IW, Then lol'd. There's always one admin, but if you ment TF2, Then...Lal.
  19. What a bump. >_>. We have already enough amount of admins, stop bragging about it. They do what they can, and manage. Be happy that we DO have admins and stfu D:<
  20. Hundy, you mean...At 25000th try you got your health not to go to under 3 times incaptitation ?
  21. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell this too, do you remember when your bots just danced on you when they tried to revive you? and other bots didn't help a crap? Now it's over. 1 helps you up, 2 covers from the sides. Awesome. This demo is already awesome, and the FULL version will be EPIC AWESOME INTENSETASTICALISTIOCUS! I can run this game with no problems on my 2-3 years old graphics card. 120 frames per second all on highest, 1680x1050 resolution .
  22. All you did was some copypasting, raight? Cause that information is findable from L4D Wiki. But oh well, nice job there. I love the new dismemberment thing, you can see their inners even better O_o. Btw, Riot can be killed with Melees, Like Axe, etc. It ain't desert eagle, it's P220 I assume. (From wikipedia) What else...Hmm. Oh yeah, there's female boomer, new looks for every old Infected (Smoker, Tank, Witch etc) There's Wandering witch which means that it won't be easy to pass by, anyway, wasn't it instakill on hit any difficult? Also, There's those pads which can revive people, can't remember the name. Defibbilator? You can't Crouch spam when healing. You crouch, you heal the whole time crouching. The AI is more better, I got attacked by a boomer, A spitter spitted our way so we were stuck there and Charger came in. Oh yeah, A smoker too. >_>. "About the pistols" Okay, You know that Pipebomb from L4D1, rait? Before it did a biig cloud of blood, now it also pops out the "Farer" zombies legs, bodies, etc away. So it ain't only a mist of blood, awesome. The Magnum is a powerful handgun in Left 4 Dead 2. It has an eight round magazine and appears to deal a lot more damage. However, it cannot be dual-wielded, like the regular P220 Pistol can. The Magnum is modeled after a .50 Desert Eagle. This weapon does more damage than regular pistols. <----The truuuthh .
  23. You should see L4D2 Forums, "WHY IS IT DELAYED" SDAFSADSAFASDAFASF. Over 20 topics about same things. It's like 13 years olds are getting it over. SAVE THE FORUMS! GET INTO THE ANTISPAMKIDRETARDHOMINGMISSILETOWERS! I can wait .
  24. Total idiot. I never liked it how he always started flame others. Nor the glitching, I don't glitch, sometimes I do rage, but hey, that's when I am overall pretty angry :/. And I do call them Fastfags, cause they are just...OP. Guess I just stop doing it cause it doesn't help me either. How bout FASTBURGERS, HAHAHAHAAHHAHA! Edit; Chiken, do you mean me? That I keep saying that he is an idiot? And yes, it does bother me, it hurts my feelings. I guess it does to other too. I can ignore too, but hey. I can't nowadays so much.
  25. My car...? Alright. http://i676.photobucket.com/albums/vv127/LolCakeLol/asdf.jpg Eat that bishes, can't beat mine.
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