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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. No update. >_>.
  2. INDEED HE WOULD, He's SUPERB >:0! Waiting you to be an admin, hundy .
  3. Oh. Well...That was obvious. Umm, my bad. Thanks anyway Sneed. I'll go check ZS right nao then.
  4. Umm. What is drag system?
  5. >_>. Yes Danni. Goh Draco >. Gawd admin you will be indeed.
  6. Hmmmh. Also, some weird hitboxes with tires "You jump" It misses and goes below you. Then it hits. Even tho it was a clear miss. I somehow can evade it, but other can't. Why?
  7. Or when you are a zombie, you see the "heartbeat" You go there, and there's nothing expect that. It's lame.
  8. Itself the sig says it alll "Hundy is awesome" Argh laggy shoutb-commentplace.

  9. Since they can respawn again and again.... I think there is a possibility of getting behind those "Bars" On that sewer map. You know, lots of pipes, people camp. I don't know, I think I saw someone there. Maybe it was just my imagination.
  10. Just ban him. Nobody cares anyway. It's cause you are an admin. We aren't.
  11. I have met you already, haven't I? Well, great to get you back here, enjoy your time again .
  12. Abuses !stuck command.
  13. Translated: Delu i dont care what you are doing, im the most important person in the world. Fix the mines or die. Also. Shadows loves abusing the stuck command to get past cades and such. Why dont we just ban that retard for a month. Err, one addition: Yes, he abuses it, by going a place where you crouch and get near the wall, where there is small place, say !stuck, and it gets you away from there. I saw shadows somehow spawnning into our "human spawn" In maze map. I don't care about tards like him, but, yes ban him. I don't care if its permament or not. He's selfish little brat who says every single time "nooob" When he dies. Then when someone starts to mock him up, he starts to whine even more. Ban him, forever. I don't care. Tards like him should be ignored, but it is already enough.
  14. Who to ye are you talking to, Silver ?
  15. Mine detection? So they go kaboom easier WHEE.
  16. Eehe...But hey, mines are not actually so great. Yuo can swipe em away. Ha-ha? Also, the turret ain't so strong. 20 damage each shot ain't so much, right?
  17. Sounds nice. Support, nail each prop, get % or X amount of health back o_O?
  18. Heck, put the chance of winning it to 1%, happy? But yeah, too Op. 5-7 seconds would be alright.
  19. It's fine, it's fine .
  20. I ment it! Oh whatever. Yes, Humen hardly rtd cause of nothing gawd. Instakill for next 10-20 seconds?
  21. We don't even know if there actually is a PC version. Maybe it's not even made. No gameplay at all on PC. Can we be sure that is there a console version either? Maybe the whole thing is just a big practical joke! IF it wouldn't be on PC, whole Call of duty serie wouldn't. Mostly, FPS games are ment for PC. But no, Consoles would be useless, so they added them to em too.
  22. examples; Slow down for 5 seconds, etc. Or dizzyness for 10 seconds.
  23. That commando part is a no. I mean seriously, they could do shitload amount of headshots only with rifles already. Like, 10 zombies, and some random shooting, you get about 20-30 hp back. Stop making medics job more useless.
  24. Yes, it's good, but after you added rave I got Disconnect: Kicked by Console : "Mismatch: autorun\rave.lua". So. No more IW To me?
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