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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. "some one else is sadly sitting in the corner with his shovel", That made me sad .
  2. Yes indeed. From killing it is easier. I find it retarded how people do not share their guns when that one person has AK47, Steyr and M14. Then he just dies. Bam, there would be 3 survivors with rifle, but nooo. People are fucking "I GOT A GUN I DUN SHARE IT HAH NUBS!" and die and go like "WTF NOOB KILL ME /Ragequit"
  3. Lolwut. Well, it's true that COD is full of nade spam, cause people just fail so hard. Myself, I rush around with Barret (That bigass sniper) . Its fun to see how people say you hack when you get 5 kils with noscoped and rushing around with Barret 50. cal thingy.
  4. (I quoted it because i agree with you saying lol) [offtopic]Lemon, your sig hypnoses me! Put it away! >.<[/offtopic] How can that hypnose anyone? I assume they think about it Draco hey, they thinking, it ain't easy decision on who to choose as an admin, be patient.
  5. Alright alright. C!
  6. Aid the security guy, loot the corpses, silently crawl through. Yes!
  7. Well true, getting stuck in a zombie...Well, it ain't so bad. Cause mostly they don't kno that you are stuck on em, just kill it and run away, but mostly you WONT get stuck. Think, 10 seconds, you should get to safe enough with ghosty mode. Amiright? Well, it prevents also from spawning into props where you cant get out when !stuck command says "YOU AINT STUCK LOL PWONED!", nice remind... Oh yes, also, it's better than getting stuck on the roof when trying to run away from hordes of zombies.
  8. Haha, poor Sacri . Well, better ye go buy anotha' oen then. This is getting offtopic btw. When is the shop open D:<?
  9. Type !maplist ingame and find out? I can't come ingame very much ATM. If i do, I have maybe 2 fps, because my graphics card broke, so I got to buy a new one, or a new computer. If I'm online, I'm at the MacBook, or my friends house (Ozzy, if you know him ) Jesus christ Sacri....How did you manage to break it?
  10. BAN HOLEH, GLITCHUR! ABRSOOOOOOOSE! Just kidding. Exactly, how much do I have to kill in what amount in order to get a good weapon :/? I redeem only with AK47, I still would like the shotguns back...Also, the "the more zombies, better weapon" Doesn't fit. You should put "Max weapon -this and that-" behind it. Also, I'd like something on Spawn protection. Put it so while you are spawnprotected, you can walk through zombies. Redeeming with AK47 doesnt save you from 20 zombies before the time wears off. Espically in small house maps.
  11. Wow, that's gay. Remove the !stuck command from Zombies. They hardly use it anyway. They can suicide 10000 times without any problems anyway. Edit; also humen use it in order to get somewhere. They are under roof, they go over the roof. Also, I was stuck and it said I wasn't. It isn't stuck if you are half covered in the map?
  12. Lol O_o. Man, Delu, you. are. AWESOME!
  13. So, you remove the mines and turret too, eh? Oh the Engineer users will be pretty sad... Now I have to go get another class. Also, comeback doesn't sound "Comeback";ish anymore. Re-name it to "Re-Life". Or "Re-Born". Comeback mostly gives the "Revenge" Idea, which suited, lots of zombies, one human who "Revenges" The hell. Now it's just... Edit; It's mostly useful for 1-2-3 first redeemers, otherwise, people get crappy weapons. For me example, there were 15 humans and 7 zombies, I got an TMP.
  14. When I plant one and zombie runs over it, nothing happens. And make it so zombies cant swipe em away, it's fucking annoiyng. Edit, CROW SYSTEM IS OFF, HOOOOORAAAAYYYY!!
  15. Partically, some classes become useless. For example, engineer. Their mines are possible to swipe away and cades are not protecting, turret gets fastly raped. Mostly, none of classes are useful anymore expect Commando. Medic can't heal in peace their patients cause of a zombie spawn behind them.
  16. Cause fasties are for noobs, and noobs can't aim. Questions?
  17. Seriously. You can't even get ready for the invasion of zombies, cause boom, one shitty -beeeep- crow gets in and rapes 20 humans at once. Also, infected crow what can transform into a zombie. Really retarded. No offence tho, but...it changed the gameplay to the worst - Dusty.
  18. What dusty said. I dont like the new system. Espically for some maps, you can't barricade at all, they all spawn behind you. 3 minutes on 15+ min map, last human, died in matter of seconds.
  19. Mostly it gives people idea "I'll suicide first and I get super gun!" Oi, I have a idea. How about if you increase the Barricade kit and proxy mine chance of getting it? Like...Both about 40-50% The higher rank, the bigger chance. For example, firstly 40% Then 50% Then 55%
  20. I find comeback really useless now. I ain't redeem fag, who will suicide at start. So those who want to survive till they really die, comeback is nothing. Like for me.
  21. Also, I saw someone spawn on head of a human, On the head, the zombie just popped on there. Also, that "YOU ARE INFECTED CROW" while being a zombie is annoying, cause I can't see a shit while trying to do something because I go Thirdperson. Also, the hitboxes, I thought I killed one, but it was only a warp. Please fix the spawnplaces, at least 1 player gets stuck on that retarded spot on zs_subversive where there is that trash canister. Also, you can spawn without claws at all. Also, did the fasties get somehow stronger? 9 damage each hit and increased hit chance. (Hundy said) Also, I died really fast of 2 fasties. About 20 damage in matter of seconds. Also, when you spawn, do you get 5x speed? If not, we have found a speedhacker.
  22. Nah, don't worry . You will find one.
  23. Mine is...System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 10/11/2009, 18:53:19 Machine name: IKT-6NRLEYW7FC2 Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090206-1234) Language: Finnish (Regional Setting: Finnish) System Manufacturer: System manufacturer System Model: System Product Name BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/20/09 09:35:52 Ver: 16.04 Processor: AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz Memory: 3072MB RAM Page File: 719MB used, 4237MB available Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) DX Setup Parameters: Not found DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode ------------ DxDiag Notes ------------ DirectX Files Tab: No problems found. Display Tab 1: No problems found. Sound Tab 1: No problems found. Music Tab: No problems found. Input Tab: No problems found. Network Tab: No problems found. -------------------- DirectX Debug Levels -------------------- Direct3D: 0/4 (n/a) DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail) DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a) DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a) DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail) DirectSound: 0/5 (retail) DirectShow: 0/6 (retail) --------------- Display Devices --------------- Card name: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc. Chip type: ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x944C) DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz) Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_944C&SUBSYS_E810174B&REV_00 Display Memory: 512.0 MB Current Mode: 1680 x 1050 (32 bit) (60Hz) Monitor: Plug and Play -n
  24. Stop being a smartass. Your not the TopCrew. And good luck Chimera. hAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAAHHAH Darkness will you shut the fuck up? Will you? Will we? Anyway, admin, nice. Would. Be. In.De..E..E..D.
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