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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. A virtual honey licking chocolate ice cream... with cherries on top.
  2. Thank you for calling us pointless. In my opinion, admins should just be normal players, with the only difference that they have powers. I think it is important most times to discuss with other players before you take actions, to keep the server cozy. It seems to me that all you care about is being the best admin of all. Personally I prefer if you don't do that. The fact you gave about what you did in 30 minutes tells me that. I think everyone in the server should have fun, and everybody does something sometime. If you want to have a challenge of banning and kicking as many people that don't follow the rules as you can, we would fastly have an empty server anyway, and not because all players are banned. EDIT: I also forgot the say that it is handy to not have such a big ego. You may be the best admin in the world, but it doesn't matter if you act like that.
  3. Have much fun!
  4. The /rules command in Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas delivers something like this: 1: Don't spam, swear, exploit and/or be a retard 2: Our main languages are English and Dutch. 3: Admins are always right, even if they aren't blabla type /admins. Something like that. As BinSlayer showed me yesterday it says for example nothing about blocking, unless it is under 'being a retard'. I always kick when people are standing somewhere middle of the road waiting until other players want to pass them, then they block them on purpose. This happens nearly always on maps that have more laps, like 8-Track maps. They ruin other's gameplay, that's all they do, and after I kicked them once they usually stop. The good thing is no single soul reads /rules anyway but if they do they will notice that it doesn't clearly say that that isn't allowed. I know it's allowed to do PIT manouvres, and maybe even braking a bit when someone is driving right behind you. Also when you are on fire it is allowed to be like PLO and try to kill another one as well when you blow up, I think. By the way, in fact Retard was right after all since he mutes/kicks for swearing and doesn't do anything for blockers. If you read the current rules, it shows that actually he was following them more or less, but anyway, I think now maybe the rules should be made clearer.
  5. I go there monday.
  6. You would defintely be a good admin, indeed you are a fair player and are motivated enough it seems. Good luck! Please let the BinSlayer-thing go. He shouldn't have ignored you today, but apart from that normally he is a good and active admin who listens to the players. Also please be on the community and IRC as well because you can't be admin if you are a complete stranger here.
  7. New maps? Do you know which ones?
  8. Photographer should have gone to the left a couple of centimeters.
  9. Welkom op het internationale deel van Green Land.

  10. Hey I hope you have fun on vacation because if someone deserves it it's you, for doing all the hard work for the Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas server. Enjoy. :)

  11. Fucked up, you couldn't have placed me better.
  12. Cool. Good choice, guys. ERROR 401 will be a good global admin.
  13. Duh! No one can recognize a real ice bear, and the quote means that people will fight with each other over the climate-problem. What am I, dumb?
  14. I must say the Dutch and English exams I made must have been the easiest exams ever (MBO niveau). There was one question like you had this picture: It is like an ad to save the polar bear and stop global warming etc. "Blijven er alleen woorden over?" means "Will only words survive?" The question is: Why is the ice bear in the photo made of letters? A: The letters direct to the text in the ad. B: It was easier than to photograph a real polar bear. C: A photo of a polar bear fades away on the white background. D: Not everyone can recognize a polar bear from a picture. This one is also lame: What means "Will only words survive" here? A: Will only the name of some animals survive? B: Are people going to have beef about the climate-problem? C: Will people still be able to understand each other in the future? D: Do we need to say more to bring people to action?
  15. Probably homeless or on welfare. But that's okay. You don't HAVE to be able to do something. Thank you. At least I pwned everyone in English. Cool. Seems like spending your entire life on English messageboards has it's positive side-effects after all. Totally.
  16. Probably homeless or on welfare. But that's okay. You don't HAVE to be able to do something. Thank you. At least I pwned everyone in English.
  17. Normally I'd say that is a rather useless small bump but since everything in this topic is useless, who cares.
  18. 1/10. No hiphop this time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhuPiBZHvLE
  19. Okay but Yoshi, check this out An image. Your idol and my idol together on one picture Aah, how dare you say that Ali B is my idol! He is just a living example of the fact that any fool can hit the charts in Holland.
  20. No school wants me. And not because of low notes. So I don't know where I'll end up.
  21. I don't have funny chats. Only fail chats. What do you expect? You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Hey You: Do you have anti-depressants for me? Stranger: no Stranger: like parasetamol Stranger: or flubpiprofen You: fluppiprofen Stranger: no i dont have You: ok Stranger: headache? You: suicidal thoughts Stranger: good You: thanks You: where do you live? Stranger: scotland Stranger: u You: Netherlands You: Do you play Doodlesack? Stranger: no Stranger: why do you want to suicide? You: because I saw someone with a horse-face Your conversational partner has disconnected The horse-face part is actually true, I saw it on Google Maps in Scotland.
  22. Let's have two more posts after this one so we end at exactly 150 reactions, then we leave the topic, completely ruined behind.
  23. Thank you. This will definetely end the random-bug.
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