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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. That would be cool, making the world at peace and taking away all problems a few hours before the end of the world.
  2. 6/10 (2 points for the girl). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO51CeNwhNk&playnext_from=TL&videos=lmCzzdkyg48&feature=sub
  3. Your maps are the best of the server. Except HydroCycle, I fucked that up.
  4. Quickly play all Paper Mario games over again.
  5. People who believe in religion know that when u commit suicide u will go to hell. That's why suicide in no option. ^^ What I think about 2012 is that it's just another way to scare people that they r going to die. If I die on 2012 I will be at peace. Nice said.
  6. Are you sure Winnie the Pooh is enjoying himself up there?
  7. Maybe he used some kind of amateur-translator on a strong nationalistic website from the Philippines. I think he means he is used to the server and the people in it. I like the topic title. Not only do you say 'maybe' as indication that maybe we were right after all, but after that it becomes clear that this is only your first ban topic and others will follow. I like these topics, please don't lock them (yet).
  8. It would be really cool if you come to Belgium or Amsterdam. It's like your Mom is randomly deciding a country to stay for a while, but I hope you will stay here. I been in Amsterdam today. All you need is to watch out for trams. And there are a lot of foreign people in Amsterdam so that's okay as well. Plus points from Belgium are nice mayonaise, happy people, tennis matches and freedom. In Holland you can smoke pot and the weather changes every second. Have much fun in camp, I'm going as well to a camp.
  9. Good luck! That's cool, I think we really need an admin like this.
  10. Why do you guys like Pokémon? xD I put them on my closet years ago, around right after the Pokémon hype. Everything I owned, dolls, keychains, pencil toppers, games, marbles, cards, magazines, stickers, puzzles, videos, toothbrushes, towels, toothpaste, Pokéballs, Pokédex, posters, other toys and games and more useless stuff, was all from Pokémon. So much I started believing that Pokémon was real, but unfortunately, they have all been catched already by other people. ;-(
  11. Nice chamber, Heinix. I might not post any pictures of my room, you wouldn't believe it is mine anyway (a closet full of Pokémon stickers is the most mature part).
  12. Cheese, ew I only like gouda xD Only the Heron that comes to my garden everyday gets to eat more cheese than me. And the crows and doves, who usually steal some. Oh and there are also mice in my house who want it. Still, I only love cheese at night, like all other food. :X (Eating Kick)
  13. I adore chocolate, cheese, coffee, cookies, cats, cunts, cynnamon, cake and more things that start with C.
  14. Happy Birthday! May your courage hold. For many more great and happy years.

    Now I congratulated ya in 4 places. Can't get enough of it!

  15. Probably MTA: SA, he is like one of the best players there (and there are more names of players in the name of the map).
  16. Happy Birthday! I got a present for you too, a girlfriend actually. But I don't know if you already had one, that's okay, I can return her again and I get my money back, or I'll keep her. She has black hair and nice brown eyes, and is okay overall. I don't know yet how I can send the present to you (might cause trouble at the airport), but anyway, let me know first if you already have one or not. I wish you many many many many more fun and cool years!!!
  17. I want Borax, CraneTop and PipeLine back so I could start exploiting aga playing again. So, what maps are exactly on the server now by the way? Borax Why was it removed in the first place, it was an excellent map It's back (newer version even) Nice work, admins.
  18. I want Borax, CraneTop and PipeLine back so I could start exploiting aga playing again. So, what maps are exactly on the server now by the way?
  19. Oh, I am so glad that people don't name me, after reading these posts. This is where I want to stay.
  20. Bad diss, but you were right that he acts so dramatic. Eguun, you keep announcing your departure. Kind of crap, I always appreciated your input for the community and your encyclopedia-length posts and I have no clue why these players and admins can't get somewhere. For me, you are always welcome and it's sad to see you leave. I was hoping problems could get solved. Farewell, good sir! ;-( *Shite, now I made a dramatic post as well (but for the record, I prefer girls).
  21. 10/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE3qm3MoW7Y
  22. Hm, nice post. Also the maps look cool. Keep making maps!
  23. That thing is nice.
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