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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. If you dont believe in it, why you come posting here? You dont need to believe in this, because some people can do this, for example, my friend. Chill out. I'm just warning you that there are also bad sides of doing this before you jump in bed and try this. Of course nothing could happen to someone like you. Please forgive me for saying that. ;-(
  2. I must say a lot of this seems like bullshit to me. I doubt that gross banana-peanutbutter-stuff is gonna help. All you need to do is tell yourself to look around you and check if you are dreaming or not on the day. Then in your dreams when something happens you might decide "Hey, wait, this is just a dream!" and have a fun dream. Sounds fun, but don't try this. Just dream at night, don't try to be concious in them because it will happen every dream and everytime you notice you are dreaming you will probably wake up. So just wait what your dreams brings you, don't try to manipulate them. Being half-awake and half-asleep is dangerous, I think that results in what Burn posted.
  3. I had that too. It was because I had so many nightmares I decided to remember myself to check if I was in a dream or not. I remember then I had a nightmare, something with a sultan in a desert and flying carpets and I realized it was a dream and then I flew away. I still have nightmares every night but now it is more complicated since they seem to be exactly like reality. These nightmares confuse me so much. But bad dreams are only dreams. Good dreams that are very realistic are ok, until you wake up and you are sad the whole day that it didn't really happen. ;-(
  4. Happy Birthday, Camille. :)

  5. Good luck!
  6. Same here. I have another map. Something really weird was going on when I made this, after a while the cursor turned red and I don't know why, and it ignores a lot of random cp's. All in all the race is now much shorter than first but deal with it. Also, I hope this works. Plus the music is from Scarface. race-cokecoastghostcoaster.zip
  7. race-fatamorgana4.zip It's not much. Music is from Fata Morgana from de Efteling.
  8. No worries, you are not the first person on this forum that has a plain sadistic sig.
  9. I can't make jokes of something that is already funny. It is like doing a South Park voice-over. But some jokes you people made up are really cool!
  10. Oops. Now it all makes sense. I was wondering already how I got there so fast.
  11. Yeah, that is true. But with 'using the advantage for yourself' I mean that then you're useless for your own team and annoying for the other team. A Medic with a faster übercharge helps his team with winning of course, because they destroy sentries faster. But that's not teamwork. The medic only focuses on übering one specific person, and not healing everybody. This is all based on a certain duo that always plays together, not every Medic uses it's powers for own profit only. But it's sad that because a Heavy-Medic pair are so good, they use it only to get more points for themselves and not to 'share the power' with their own team.
  12. Thou must stay! So many people quit, at least from TF2 and I don't know anything about ZPS. Maybe the topcrew should try to listen to the players, even when they have a different opinion than them, when the results are that everybody ragequits. On the other side, the players know how to make problems worse than they are, but when the majority of the players has a problem with something, I hope the players and admins will come to ideas to make it okay, it is sad to see everybody leaving. This is just a suggestion, people, since I can't say anything about ZPS.
  13. That sounds complicated. :X
  14. You are right, ClavusElite, it gives owners 'advantage'. There are two ways to use the advantage. You can use it as an advantage for your team and to make tactics with it. It gives faster attacks when you can be more useful with it. The Medic has his übercharge ready faster, and so when the team gets in peril because there is not much time left, there is more chance the Medic can save the day with it's saved übercharge. You can also use it as an advantage for yourself. Alright, you are a Medic and you go to the battlefield with your homie Heavy. Uh-Oh! Sentry ahead! Okay, all we have to do is stand still here while I heal you, Heavy. Maybe you can bunny-hop around a bit to make it look less like camping. Oh, Soldier, you're on fire and have only one second left to live unless I heal you? Oh sorry, my übercharge is ready, gotta go now. *Not much later* Nice, Heavy, Sentry is almost destroyed. Let's go back and hide behind that wall while I stand still and talk about the weather, until I'm automatically charged. Meanwhile, the Dead Ringer Spy decides to run straight to the enemy in plain sight. "It doesn't matter if they kill me," he says. Sadly, an Engineer noticed that he faked his death and killed him again. He wants to walk away but hears that he is still there and kills him again. 4 seconds later he notices that he is still not dead. Kill! "He must be dead now", says the Engineer. Cha-Pow! Ambassador'd! Don't fuck with the Dead Ringer Spy! -- I can see a 'tl;dr' coming so basically this just illustrates that you can use these shop items good and you can use them bad and everyone uses them bad.
  15. 10/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyO5s944L4Y It is from the movie Scarface. Sadly it is very repetitive, it's a bit of music from like 8 seconds that keeps getting looped, but it's still great movie-music. Yeehaa, my 1500th post.
  16. I like the buy the next map idea. I don't really understand that. You mean then you can 'buy' the ability to do that and when you arrive in a 'crappy' map you get the ability to do 'nextmap' or to start a vote for that? And then you can use that ability forever or just once? Anyway, it is not worth buying and it would kinda ruin the game since every other map will be skipped. Or does it mean that once you get to choose what the next map is?
  17. Congrats with your 1000 posts. :)

    Keep spamming!

  18. So true... why isn't SDK doing something about it T^T Because .:SDK:. is already doing over 9000 things for the server. I think Ywa should hire another expert, as there are so many jobs to do.
  19. Good luck.
  20. Good luck!
  21. BUMP. The 'random' vote is a bit too random. It seems it doesn't care about if a map has just been played, but at every vote it just picks from all the maps. So today there were a lot of occasions where we played a map, and then two others or so and then the first map again, though most times with more maps between it. Is there a way to make it so that Random chooses a random map, but only chooses ones that haven't been played for a long time or so?
  22. Wow. I find it really cool that you keep making maps so quick!
  23. [WIN] You are the mysterious man who killed Scarface and so now the world is yours! [WIN] You hit the ?-Block and a Blue Yoshi came out and now you are able to fly! [WIN] A flying man popped up all of a sudden right next to [[nick]] and [[nick]] said "Fuzzy Pickles" and then the man made a picture of [[nick]] and [[nick]] is very happy with that picture. [LOSE] De Plaaggeest heeft weer toegeslagen! [LOSE] [[nick]] was planning to stomp a Goomba and from there jump over the lava and kill a Piranha Plant, but his Blue Yoshi ditched [[nick]] mid-air. [LOSE] [[nick]] was gonna save the world but tripped over a rock and landed badly. [LOSE] [[nick]] decided it was all too much. [WIN] [[nick]] banged Esther Baxter. Woohoo! I love you if you also add the Dutch one.
  24. Me too. Not that I like, race much better in short maps.
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