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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. I must agree. Bert, from which country are you?
  2. The big head makes it all creepier.
  3. In my opinion, I think admins should be available on Steam as well, at least as long as the IRC echoes don't work.
  4. Bonne chance!
  5. Actually it's just because I'm lazy, but as I said, when more people think they want the agony to last longer then I'll make the map longer. Thank you for testing by the way. EDIT: I was also wondering, if the map is boring, then it's good it's short. I think it will be more boring if I make it longer.
  6. Even a normal person responded.Thanks for the feedback on my candidacy If I cheer for you, will that make me a normal person as well?
  7. Sweden - The Netherlands and Sweden will win with 97-4.
  8. They are all so simple because then I have a chance to win them (in the long run, I make these maps just to get more Green Coins). Also, when it's longer, the more mistakes people make and the faster they dislike it I think. But when everybody says it's too short, I'll make it longer. And yea I made it so you turn into a train at the last checkpoint, which teleports you to a nearby track, I found out later. When this happens to more people, would somebody want to enter the map file, and change the vehicle ID from the last checkpoint to any working vehicle?
  9. I was gonna call it "BlueYoshi's Dutch Roads" (like "Daniek's Romanian Roads") but meh, I'll use this map as a replacement for the missing Part 2. But it is based on the Netherlands a bit. I used the old MTA Editor for this one. race-netherlands.zip EDIT: My 7-year old brother helped me with this map again. He is the one that chose for the moving board of Candy Suxxx right on top of a farm. Doesn't he have a nice taste?
  10. This topic is exactly like the Admin Thing topic now. I quote:
  11. 7/10 More about nostalgia than quality.
  12. So. You see a video on YouTube that makes you LAUGH OUT LOUD and makes you keep watching it. You want to let everyone know so you drop in on IRC but everyone is spamming too much so they are too lazy to see it. Now you completely panic because you don't know what to do with this video. In the past that probably led to many suicides and psychopaths. Now, that is over. Because now you can post the video in this topic, any video you like very much, and always makes you laugh no matter how many times you watch it. I know that is a genius idea of me, but even more, it's totally free! You won't even have to pay me for posting in my topic, unless you want to of course. Basically, just post any really funny, and just any good videos here. I'll start by a series of videos you probably already know but it's still classic. And there are more parts.
  13. When you don't care about what others think, then right now my 7-year old brother has more chance to become admin than you.
  14. But even if you are gay and you say "I love you all!" that should not be taking serious, unless you are really horny.
  15. 92839028391839283928903829813918290389283918239281381318/10.
  16. It's better than 'real' ghost-videos. This one seems to be like a pun on them. But how did we get to this from a Christian forum topic?
  17. Humans are pretty lazy as well, but I am not the one to complain about that.
  18. What are you thinking? I mean the brotherhood kind of love. EDIT: Oh, I got 666 posts.
  19. Society's a weak excuse for a man. Religion even more. So many people have spent all their life praying to someone who doesn't exist, just to go to Heaven. Then they die, and (I don't know of course) then they don't go to Heaven at all. Of course then they are dead so they can't feel bad for wasting their own life, but still it shows how completely stupid Humans are. Doves and crows are way more intelligent than humans. Doves take freedom to another level by taking a crap everywhere, I'd do so as well since doves are more intelligent and people, not literally, shit on animals as well. Crows are just intelligent because they talk with each other when no one is around. Parrots, cats and cows are among the other underestimated geniuses. But there are way more animals who are so much smarter than humans. But dogs, spiders and sharks are the root of all evil. Dogs are just like humans, a good brain but aggressive and only using the brain to violence (not all type of dogs). There, that's the true religion. Sorry, I'm in a poetic mood today, it seems.
  20. I love almost everyone in the community, and the ones I don't love, hate me. But they are still on the painting I made for Ywa, as well as the rap I wrote for Ywa, as well as the BOARD GAME I made for Ywa where I tried to fit in this community (in their unique Animal Form of course, which only I know). Suddenly, I think the way I spend my time making drawings from everyone in this community instead of learning for my exams says enough. I will never leave Left4Green for green, until it's blue. (Basically that just means I will never leave the community until I'm the last one left).
  21. You ain't blue? ;-(

  22. Best map I have ever played. My 7-year old brother thinks so as well.
  23. Best nickname ever. :)

  24. Yep. I spent 3 hours of brainstorming alone, after which I first made a few try-outs before I started on the real final work with Paint. All for a cookie. Anyway, someone needs to make Messy a better sig.
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