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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. Alright.
  2. Can't that be fixed somehow?
  3. Java I guess (the chat button on the forum).
  4. Indeed, so weird how like no one knows how many things you can do with the Compression Blast. You can easily return rockets and arrows, and you can even easily destroy sentries with it if you master the timing a bit, then you don't need protection - you can just jump in front of the sentry and blast back the rockets and it is usually destroyed. You can easily fuck up übers by blowing them off the roof or just blowing them around. Also important, you can extinguish your team mates with it. Here it is frustrating that for some reason no one knows this feature. Anyway, this is half why the flamethrower is like my favorite weapon in the game, but back ontopic.
  5. There should be a system that automatically uploads Pachanga's maps to the server, he makes like twelve a week and they are all great anyway. Really nice!
  6. Kanye West brought me into listening music. I never listened to rap before actually, I started with Kanye West and Rocafella. The College Dropout is the best album ever, in my opinion. I agree the current Kanye West sucks. Sadly many people only know the current one.
  7. Offtopic (help him first): When I play a game, IRC crashes. Not always, it's like the one time it doesn't crash and another time it does. This is kinda annoying. Anyone knows a solution? I do not know the solution to your problem, Silver Dot.
  8. I listen to Ol' Skool HipHop (Underground usually). Also more popular things like Jedi Mind Tricks, Non Phixion, Redman and Wu-Tang Clan, Digital Underground, KRS-One, K-Otix, and The Artefacts.. Not really artist-specific. I also listen to jazz, blues and stuff, basically those songs that always get sampled by hiphop DJ's. Sometimes I just listen to instrumentals from producers instead of the tracks. Also I listen to Game Music. Now you!
  9. Really cool map!
  10. Amazing map! Even when beforehand I know it will be amazing, you still amaze me by making it more amazing than I thought how amazing it would be! Really nice!
  11. idoont knoo wat jor talking a bout
  12. Just make Rogue admin. All problems solved. Although I think TheGreenGrasshopper does play on PayLoad (but I haven't been playing for so long I don't know about now).
  13. The more you complain the less chance you have. I doubt your chances were ever very high. But when it takes a long time for the admins to decide, that is USUALLY a good thing. So when you ask them to react, you kinda ruin it.
  14. I think it works like all other things. When your first post is your admin application, you don't have much chance. Then you can say you will become active on IRC, but that means you only do that to become admin. I'd like to see that admins should at least be known on the forums as well. That is more important than playing 24/7.
  15. Oh yeah.
  16. I think you should also be on the forum for a while.
  17. Good luck.
  18. Yea so an amusement park with different attractions. Meta.xml is fucked up again, maybe it doesn't work. :/ race-gloryholethemepark.zip
  19. He should make a Theme Park map like I am doing with Rollercoasters and shit. I am sure he would make it much better. As long as he doesn't ninja me.
  20. Good luck. Wait, I said that two days ago.
  21. Good luck! You should definitely be admin, IMO.
  22. 5/10. Click here for the video.
  23. The topic want to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVcc9Sakr-w&feature=related
  24. Damn, those maps look really good. Keep making them!
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