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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. No you don't.
  2. I did all I could!
  3. Happy Birthday! ^^

  4. You should move out of Russia, dude, the world outside (not that there is much world left outside of Russia), is way better. Except for China. And Africa. And... aah, you know what, the biggest part of the world sucks. Come to Holland!
  5. 3/10. Digital Underground, baby.
  6. I hope it will work. It involves being a Dinghy and jumping and speeding across The Strip. CsenaHUN made the original map including jumps, the boat-textures, the waterlevel, gamespeed etcetera. I did the track (with my 7-year old brother who chose models and things ). Puma also helped with making scripts (a crashing plane which looks kinda awkward in this version, plus the color of the water that keeps changing). race-hcycle.zip
  7. Good luck!
  8. You would be the perfect admin! You're a really nice guy, plus you got what it takes to be admin. The best thing is that you show that you love the community so much. So good luck!
  9. Pretty much the only picture of me I can find (I don't make them myself), plus with girls on it to make you the illusion that I have a social life. Girls may not be the hottest, but the one on the left looks real nice nowadays. What the Truth says is the truth: "Sometimes it's best to stay in the dark, kid."
  10. You are really cool, even though somehow I do not know you very well (but you have more posts than me so I'm probably a newfag). Anyway, from what I know of you you would be a really good admin so I cheer for you!
  11. No official terms needed, there's no good side and bad side, they are both insane in the head. It is in the human genes to hunt and fight to survive. But humans don't have to fight anymore, it's pointless nowadays. Don't deny that human are violent, selfish and dumb. All they do there is fight each other and scream. Of course you can't blame only one person, or only one side, that doesn't work. Stupid humans should leave each other alone. Why, evolution? You made so many good things, life, love, girls... why did you make it so every human is hyper-ego? No, it's the human's own fault for not using their brains.
  12. Why do you complain about pictures, he already said he can't make images of how the map will look like in the end because he didn't finish it yet. That's why he explains how it will look like.
  13. Laptop + bed + water + chips = all you really need. Cool picture!
  14. I have no knowledge of this but I regularly see people get kicked for high FPS, so I guess it would be handy to increase it a bit. But I don't know if some people have a big advantage if they have like 33 FPS. I always have around 31, so most times at the spawn when we start in a row of cars, I usually take the lead (the lead I'll eventually lose anyway). By the way, a question slightly related maybe. Whenever we spawn as a bike, usually the first second I go the fastest, then wham! Suddenly most people pass me. If this is because they ram like crazy on the foreward button more than me, how come they don't pass me immediately?
  15. Nice job making the video! I didn't understand it, but all the more randomness.
  16. Why? Nobody likes them.
  17. BUMP. You can delete everything again.. except Mona Pizza (I want to have at least ONE map in the server that I made today). ;-( (edit: soundofdapolice as well).
  18. I don't know you too well but you sound cool!
  19. I figured people prefer simple fast maps over a lot of objects maps, and since I wanted to get half of SSBB in MTA: SA, I thought why not. I made all these maps this evening. race-soundofdapolice.zip race-fighttothefinish.zip race-speeeed.zip race-topofthemorning.zip race-secondtosundown.zip race-monapizza.zip
  20. BlueYoshi97


    I feel sorry for you.
  21. A lonely psycho.

  22. Fixed OMG, it is not important to say to others that they have made a mistake in their posts, because on the internet makes everyone sometimes mistakes. & by da way correcting is the job of Mr. Dot, ya? Mr. Dot exists not yet, still. I mean of course that if you to everyone say that they make type-faults than you are will even busy. By the way, today on my school got I a invitation to a birthday, and there stood up "=D", and I asked my friend and he said "he most likely tryed to do a smiley", but I don't understand that is it a smiley.
  23. The ultimate hiz0rzz, Knows someone of you a site to watch clips? I have founed some sites whit clips, but they are only 30 seconds.
  24. Paper Mario!!!!!!!!!!! OR SUPER SMASH BROS MELEE!!!!!!!!!!!! SSBM is a very cool game with REALLY MANY caracters from many different Nintendo games!
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